List of all Satellites
This table shows all known past, current and future satellites for
meteorological and earth observation purposes.It can be sorted by
clicking on the column headers. The filter on the right allows to
display only specific satellites. Filter

Filter can be used to display satellites by
certain criteria .
The export functionality takes the current filter into account
- Filter by year of operation
You can either select to display all satellites which are in orbit at this time, or select a time range of earliest launch and latest (expected) end-of-life, respectively.
Use the handlebars to drag the slider into the desired position, or the arrows to move the time period around. - Filter by orbit
To see satellites flying only in specific orbits, check the appropriate boxes. On hovering over the acronyms, you see the definition of the orbits. If no orbit is selected, all satellites will be shown. - Filter by agencies
This filter allows you to specify the agencies of the satellite programme. Type the official acronyms, e.g. NASA, EUMETSAT, ROSHYDROMET, INPE in the box, separated by comma. (The names are not case-sensitive)
For a list of all space agencies, go to Space Agencies
The export functionality takes the current filter into account
»Filter table
Id | Acronym | Launch | EOL | Programme | Agency | Orbit | Alt. | Long. | Incl. | ECT | Status | Payload |