BackForward Satellite: ISS LIS 

Satellite details
Acronym ISS LIS
Full name Lightning Imaging Sensor on the ISS
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • Mission consisting of hosting LIS on the International Space Station.
  • LIS is the refurbished flight unit spared from TRMM.
Mass at launch Dry mass
Data access link
Data access information
  • Data routinely available from NASA.
Orbit Drifting orbit Altitude 407 km
Inclination 51.6 °


Space agency NASACSADLRESAJAXARoscosmos
Status Inactive
Details on Status
(as available)
  • Decommissioned in Nov 2023
Launch 19 Feb 2017 EOL 16 Nov 2023
Last update: 2024-06-10
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on ISS LIS

Acronym Full name
LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor
Show instrument status and calibration