No selection
Total entries: 457
Decision 5 (EC-77) - Membership of the subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)




to submit recommendations on the structure and operation of the Organization with regard to existing processes and mechanisms related to the technical and scientific programme on the basis of a study prepared by the Secretary-General;
Decision 5 (EC-77) - Membership of the subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)




to: (a) Incorporate and publish the terms of reference of the committees and panels of the Executive Council in a new edition of the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-1256); (b) Review, and amend as needed, the rules of procedure for the Research Board, adopted in Resolution 12 (EC-72), in light of the amended terms of reference adopted by Congress in Resolution 4.3(3)/1 (Cg-19); (c) Prepare an analysis on the authorities and relations among all relevant bodies of the Organization, including the Secretariat, with regard to existing processes and mechanisms related to the technical and scientific programme. This analysis will comprise the processes of design, adoption, coordination, implementation and review of technical and scientific strategies, plans, programmes and budget, as well as the identification and programmatic inclusion of Members’ needs and requirements.
Decision 2 (EC-74) - Addressing the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigating its impacts (2021)




Invites Members to refer to the information on the impacts of COVID-19 on the WMO community and the mitigation actions to support business continuity during the pandemic provided in Cg-Ext(2021)/INF. 4.3 and the COVID-19 pandemic WMO Survey of Members, Initial Impact Report (00946/2021/S/DPS) circulated to Members in anticipation of a more developed business continuity policy/strategy and plan, as requested by Resolution 10 (CgExt(2021)) – Towards a structured WMO response to global crises, to be reviewed by the Executive Council for presentation to the World Meteorological Congress at its nineteenth session (Cg-19) in 2023

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To adhere to the vision and overarching priorities of the Strategic Plan 2024–2027, oversee its implementation and develop the Strategic Plan for the twentieth financial period 2028–2031 (RES 2, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To keep the High-Level Guidance on the Evolution of Global Observing systems during the period 2023–2027 under review and adopt updates as needed (RES 20, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To provide guidance to INFCOM, and receive reports from it, on how to fill the identified gaps in the initial composition of the Global Basic Observing System, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders inclusive of development partners (RES 21, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To continue to oversee the implementation of the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System and report on progress (RES 26, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To regularly review and provide direction regarding the further development and advancement of the recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Panel (RES 35, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To keep the WMO Capacity Development Strategy and related implementation actions under review in view of the rapidly changing capacity development landscape, and propose updates and adjustments as necessary (RES 36, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)


SG and the PAC


To develop and pilot criteria and procedures for the live streaming to the public of sessions, and submit a policy to the next session of Congress (RES 40, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78, CG-20
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)


SAP and Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board


To adopt any amendments to the terms of reference of the Scientific Advisory Panel and the Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board (RES 41, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To continue overseeing the implementation of the full scope of the actions recommended by the Task Force on Reform Evaluation (RES 41, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To review and make any recommendations on further improvements to our methods of work and procedural processes needed to support the work of the constituent bodies (RES 41, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)


SG and PAC


To commission an external evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of WMO bodies and structures to inform the decisions of the twentieth World Meteorological Congress (RES 41, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-79 (2025) for finalization at EC-80 (2026
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To oversee the activities of the additional bodies and consider their recommendations of additional bodies (RES 42, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC-78 and beyond
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To analyse the authorities of and relations among WMO bodies on technical and scientific programme matters, including the process for identifying experts to the constituent and subsidiary bodies, the identification and programmatic inclusion of Members’ needs and requirements; (RES 42, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To adjust the scales of assessment for the years 2026 and 2027 using the United Nations scales of assessment to be adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2024 (RES 50, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 79
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To make a provisional assessment in respect of non-Members in the event of any such non-Members becoming Members (RES 50, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 79
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To consider and adopt, on behalf of Congress, updated programme descriptions, … (RES 62, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




… accompanied by a review and analysis of the programme-based approach in the activities of the Organization and recommendations to Congress (RES 62, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78
Decision 2 (EC-77) - Actions of the Executive Council on decisions adopted by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (2023)




To determine the precise date and place of the next sessions of Congress (extraordinary and ordinary) and prepare their provisional agendas (RES 63, Cg-19)

Session deadline

EC 78, EC 80
Decision 2 (SERCOM-2) - Consideration of reports (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(4) To request the president of the commission to report and update at each session the status of participation of developing countries in the commission, and keep promoting and improving their representation particularly in leadership and management positions, in order to better reflect and serve the needs of the developing countries.

Session deadline

Decision 3 (EC-74) - Management Action Plan for Addressing the Recommendations of the External Auditor (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


To request the Secretary-General to add any future recommendations from the External Auditor to the management action plan, to prioritize actions in consultation with the External Auditor and the Audit and Oversight Committee and to present the management action plan to the Executive Council each year alongside the annual financial statements.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 3 (EC-77) - Resource Mobilization Plan for the WMO Coordination Mechanism (2023)




to: (a) Further review the WCM resource mobilization plan in consultation with SERCOM to remove any duplication [P/SERCOM] with the implementation plan; (b) Develop and maintain linkages between NMHSs with the UN and other humanitarian agencies; (c) Allocate the necessary resources to manage the WCM; (d) Keep the EC regularly updated on the resource mobilization efforts and status of the WCM trust fund.
Decision 4 (EC-75) - Proposed Approaches to the Business Continuity and Contingency Planning (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) To request the Secretary-General to provide Secretariat support to this initiative.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-75) - Proposed Approaches to the Business Continuity and Contingency Planning (2022)




The Executive Council decides: (1) To invite National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs); (a) To assess and share their current practices and challenges related to the business continuity and contingency planning; (b) To provide feedback to the Secretariat on their requirements for capacity development, or other support with respect to business continuity and contingency planning;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-75) - Proposed Approaches to the Business Continuity and Contingency Planning (2022)


CDP - Capacity Development Panel


(2) To request the Executive Council Capacity Development Panel (CDP), in coordination with the technical commissions, the regional associations, the Research Board, other WMO bodies and partners as necessaryto advise on the capacity development component(s) needed to enhance Members’ business continuity and incorporate them into the CDP strategy;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-75) - Proposed Approaches to the Business Continuity and Contingency Planning (2022)


TCs - Technical Commissions


(3) To request the technical commissions, in coordination with Executive Council CDP, the regional associations, the Research Board, other WMO bodies and partners as necessary to collect various cases from different levels of capacity of the Members to be used as one good reference for the other Members to develop guidance material for Members, particularly for those who need support for business continuity and contingency planning, based on the initial approaches as provided in the annex to this decision;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-76) - Recommendations of Capacity Development Panel (CDP) (2023)


ROs - WMO Regional Offices


(5) To request Technical Commissions, Regional Offices and Regional Centres to: (a) Develop value chains at the regional level to identify what and how each of them can contribute to the research-to-operation continuum, including approaches to promotion of capacity development and service capabilities.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (EC-76) - Recommendations of Capacity Development Panel (CDP) (2023)




(1) To request Members to: (a) Note the recommendations made in Education and Training in a Period of Rapid Change: Highlights of the Fourteenth WMO Symposium on Education and Training (WMO-No. 1291); (b) Assist broadening the reach of the recommendations to stakeholders that can support the WMO education and training community to address the changing and increasing education and training requirements; (c) Support the implementation of the Consortium of WMO Education and Training Collaborating Partners (CONECT), encouraging the engagement of experienced Members from education and training stakeholders worldwide; (d) Adopt the updated Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists and Meteorological Technicians described in the Guide to the Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology, volume I – Meteorology (WMO-No. 1083), as a recommended standard which is recommended by the CDP, Services Commission (SERCOM) and Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM), and to adapt to it as a matter of policy; (e) Take advantage of Regional Projects looking for opportunities of engagement between research and operational communities; (f) Facilitate and support the development of scientific networks, and the inclusion of multidisciplinary personnel; (g) Enhance staff development of qualifications by providing opportunities for continuous learning, including through the use of supplementary guidance, and case studies; (h) Build up institutional capacity to establish mutually beneficial and effective collaboration with private sector and other stakeholders, including data/information sharing, service delivery, and advocacy for the essential public functions of meteorological services in issuing warnings, maintaining basic infrastructure and promoting the uptake of WMO standards and recommended practices by all; (i) Implement the relevant competencies by using advocacy and advertising of the benefits of competency implementation and its complexity. (2) To request Members and the Secretary-General to: (a) Encourage and support National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to engage with national and international Universities across a range of relevant research areas, with a focus on advancing the research priority areas of the Regional Associations and WMO Research Programmes; (b) Support and encourage country level governments’ local policy for improving interaction with civil society (e.g. “last mile” and community level behavioural work to support the implementation of early warning systems) as well as to align social science actors with information from NMHSs.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-76) - Recommendations of Capacity Development Panel (CDP) (2023)


TCs - Technical Commissions


(4) To request Technical Commissions and the Secretary-General to: (a) Note the recommendations from the meeting “Strengthening collaboration among NMHSs and WMO Centres for effective support to Members through extrabudgetary projects” (10–12 March 2021). The feedback from Members regarding considerations around implementation of projects is highlighted as particularly important. (5) To request Technical Commissions, Regional Offices and Regional Centres to: (a) Develop value chains at the regional level to identify what and how each of them can contribute to the research-to-operation continuum, including approaches to promotion of capacity development and service capabilities.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (EC-76) - Recommendations of Capacity Development Panel (CDP) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(2) To request Members and the Secretary-General to: (a) Encourage and support National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to engage with national and international Universities across a range of relevant research areas, with a focus on advancing the research priority areas of the Regional Associations and WMO Research Programmes; (b) Support and encourage country level governments’ local policy for improving interaction with civil society (e.g. “last mile” and community level behavioural work to support the implementation of early warning systems) as well as to align social science actors with information from NMHSs. (3) To request the Secretary-General to: (a) Encourage twinning, partnership, pooling, sharing, communities of practice, and regional co-operations, in order to achieve effective outcomes in capacity development and institutional cooperation; (b) Continue promoting and encouraging Regional Training Centres (RTCs) and Education and Training partners to organize demand-driven capacity development and education and training activities. The requirements for these activities can be determined on the basis of the inputs from the Members, regional association working groups, and surveys undertaken by the WMO Secretariat, as well as through development of technical and scientific innovations and service requirements; (c) Identify the appropriate page within the WMO website where the “list of best practices from NMHSs meeting the global standards in the delivery of services” should be published; (d) Note the feedback received, and recommendations of, the “Survey of Resource Mobilization, Partnerships and Development Assistance (RMPDA)” focused on best practise in terms of working with development partners/Government and resource mobilization. These findings include (further detail in report): Focus on enhancing visibility amongst Government and partners; Enhanced capacity development/skills development in resource mobilization and proposal development, including linking with development partner priorities and ensuring clear communication with stakeholders on proposed activities; support with skills development for strategic planning and linking with national priorities; sustainability planning. It is proposed that the findings from the report should be considered for the WMO Operating Plan and proposed activities; (e) Encourage Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) between WMO Education and Training (ETR) and Members (possessing one or more RTC components) to enhance resource mobilization and support to potential trainees of NMHSs from developing countries, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDSs); (f) Assist promoting and encouraging interdisciplinary research at national and regional levels with a focus on advancing the research priority areas of the Regional Associations and WMO Research Programmes, with good practice guidance and capacity development support; (g) Emphasize the need for governments at the policy level to take into account any social benefit of any measures that they take; (h) Play a key role in brokering and matching research needs and funding calls with appropriate sources of regional expertise; (i) Assist RTCs monitoring of training activities by sharing good practices. (4) To request Technical Commissions and the Secretary-General to: (a) Note the recommendations from the meeting “Strengthening collaboration among NMHSs and WMO Centres for effective support to Members through extrabudgetary projects” (10–12 March 2021). The feedback from Members regarding considerations around implementation of projects is highlighted as particularly important.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (EC-76) - Recommendations of Capacity Development Panel (CDP) (2023)


RTCs - Regional Training Centres


(6) To request WMO RTCs and Meteorological Training Institutions to: (a) Monitor success and challenges of the implementation of capacity development activities and share this information; (b) Increase the use of distance-learning and blended-learning techniques, using technologies available to them. RTCs and partners to provide increased outreach and training on how to use these techniques; (c) Develop partnerships with academic institutions and professional and scientific associations, including exchanges of academic staff; (d) Make relevant training resources available to WMO Secretariat as open access for others to use free of charge; (e) List their education and training opportunities in the WMO Global Campus Calendar of Events.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 4 (INFCOM-2) - Review of Executive Council Resolutions and Decisions relevant to the Commission (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to report on progress to the seventy-sixth session of the Executive Council and/or to the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress for items: (a) WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023), as requested by Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023); (b) Collaboration with IATA on the development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP), as requested by Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with the International Air Transport Association on the Development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay Programme; (c) Transition and the pre-operational plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), as requested by Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and Pre-operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch; (d) Collection of climatological standard normal, as requested by Resolution 19 (EC-73) - Collection of Climatological Standard Normals, taking into consideration Decision 7 (EC-75) - Accelerated collection of Climatological Standard Normals 1991–2020; (e) Trial phase of the international exchange of daily climate data, as requested by Resolution 6 (EC-72) - Trial Phase of the International Exchange of Daily Climate Data.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (INFCOM-2) - Review of Executive Council Resolutions and Decisions relevant to the Commission (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to report on progress to the seventy-sixth session of the Executive Council and/or to the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress for items: (a) WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023), as requested by Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023); (b) Collaboration with IATA on the development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP), as requested by Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with the International Air Transport Association on the Development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay Programme; (c) Transition and the pre-operational plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), as requested by Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and Pre-operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch; (d) Collection of climatological standard normal, as requested by Resolution 19 (EC-73) - Collection of Climatological Standard Normals, taking into consideration Decision 7 (EC-75) - Accelerated collection of Climatological Standard Normals 1991–2020; (e) Trial phase of the international exchange of daily climate data, as requested by Resolution 6 (EC-72) - Trial Phase of the International Exchange of Daily Climate Data.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (INFCOM-2) - Review of Executive Council Resolutions and Decisions relevant to the Commission (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to report on progress to the seventy-sixth session of the Executive Council and/or to the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress for items: (a) WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023), as requested by Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023); (b) Collaboration with IATA on the development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP), as requested by Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with the International Air Transport Association on the Development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay Programme; (c) Transition and the pre-operational plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), as requested by Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and Pre-operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch; (d) Collection of climatological standard normal, as requested by Resolution 19 (EC-73) - Collection of Climatological Standard Normals, taking into consideration Decision 7 (EC-75) - Accelerated collection of Climatological Standard Normals 1991–2020; (e) Trial phase of the international exchange of daily climate data, as requested by Resolution 6 (EC-72) - Trial Phase of the International Exchange of Daily Climate Data.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (INFCOM-2) - Review of Executive Council Resolutions and Decisions relevant to the Commission (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to report on progress to the seventy-sixth session of the Executive Council and/or to the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress for items: (a) WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023), as requested by Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023); (b) Collaboration with IATA on the development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP), as requested by Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with the International Air Transport Association on the Development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay Programme; (c) Transition and the pre-operational plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), as requested by Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and Pre-operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch; (d) Collection of climatological standard normal, as requested by Resolution 19 (EC-73) - Collection of Climatological Standard Normals, taking into consideration Decision 7 (EC-75) - Accelerated collection of Climatological Standard Normals 1991–2020; (e) Trial phase of the international exchange of daily climate data, as requested by Resolution 6 (EC-72) - Trial Phase of the International Exchange of Daily Climate Data.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (SERCOM-2) - Review of resolutions of Congress and the Executive Council related to the Commission  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(3) Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to integrate the outstanding tasks into the work programme of the Commission and report on progress at the Executive Council at its seventy-sixth session and the next session of the Commission.

Session deadline

Decision 4 (SERCOM-2) - Review of resolutions of Congress and the Executive Council related to the Commission  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(3) Requests the president, with the support of the Secretariat, to integrate the outstanding tasks into the work programme of the Commission and report on progress at the Executive Council at its seventy-sixth session and the next session of the Commission.

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-76) - Enhancement of the Community Platform (2023)


TCs - Technical Commissions


(3) To request the regional associations, the technical commissions, the Research Board, and the other bodies of the Organization to actively support the implementation of this decision;

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-76) - Enhancement of the Community Platform (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


(3) To request the regional associations, the technical commissions, the Research Board, and the other bodies of the Organization to actively support the implementation of this decision;

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-76) - Enhancement of the Community Platform (2023)


RB - Research Board


(3) To request the regional associations, the technical commissions, the Research Board, and the other bodies of the Organization to actively support the implementation of this decision;

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-76) - Enhancement of the Community Platform (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(1) To request the Secretary-General to provide the necessary resources [Endersby] support the further improvement of the WMO Community Platform with enhanced workflows, usability, security, and reliability to better identify the needs of Members, track progress in the implementation of capacity development initiatives by the Organization as well as supporting the activities of technical commissions, the Research Board and other bodies of the Organization; (2) To request the Secretary-General to consider supporting regional centres through extra-budgetary resources to enable them to assist Members, as required, in assessing and enhancing their capacities; [...] (6) To request the Secretary-General to enhance opportunities and refine the criteria for Members to second their experts to the WMO Headquarters and Regional Offices to contribute to the enhancing capacities of Members, in the developing communities.

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-76) - Enhancement of the Community Platform (2023)




(4) To request Members to appoint dedicated focal points, for the provision of accurate and updated information into the WMO Community Platform on a regular basis; (5) To request Members, particularly from developing countries, to designate young professionals and women into the expert teams to improve geographical representation age structure of constituent bodies and gender balance;

Session deadline

Decision 5 (EC-77) - Membership of the subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)


Chairs of TCC, CDP


to consult their respective members as to the necessity to amend the terms of references of these bodies and submit recommendations, as needed, to the next session of the Council;
Decision 5 (INFCOM-2) - INFCOM Strategic Approach (2022)




(4) To invite Members to review the draft strategic approach, presented as INFCOM 2/INF. 5.3, and provide the Secretariat with feedback, to enable the president to finalize the document before Cg-19;

Session deadline

Decision 5 (INFCOM-2) - INFCOM Strategic Approach (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To request the president of the Commission, in consultation with the Management Group to further develop and finalize the document by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19), and (3) To request the president of the Commission to further update the document based on the actual decision of Cg-19 with regard to the WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027; (5) To request the president of the Commission to take account of knowledge gained from the INFCOM gender activities 2020-2023 to inform the update of the INFCOM Strategic Approach and feed into the WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027; (6) To request the president of the Commission to consider recommendations from the WMO Open Consultative Platform white paper on the Future Role of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services to inform the update of the INFCOM Strategic Approach and feed into the WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027.

Session deadline

Decision 6 (EC-75) - Study on the potential integration of additional hydrological and cryosphere variables into the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


The Executive Council decides: (2) To request the president of INFCOM to conduct the study based on the concept note, as part of the Commission’s Work Programme.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 6 (EC-76) - Improving assessment of Member capacity and needs (2023)


TCs - Technical Commissions


(1) To request the technical commissions to work with the Capacity Development Panel, regional associations and other relevant bodies to build on existing WMO frameworks to develop appropriate benchmarks and baselines to enable the objective assessment of the capacities of Members to facilitate a better identification of capacity needs and aid planning of capacity development initiatives; (2) To request all bodies of the Organization to support efforts to assess Members’ capacities and needs, in order to assist them with resource mobilization for the resolutions implementation; tracking and evaluating the implementation progress of Congress and Executive Council decisions and resolutions; in order to make interventions where necessary;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (EC-76) - Improving assessment of Member capacity and needs (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


(1) To request the technical commissions to work with the Capacity Development Panel, regional associations and other relevant bodies to build on existing WMO frameworks to develop appropriate benchmarks and baselines to enable the objective assessment of the capacities of Members to facilitate a better identification of capacity needs and aid planning of capacity development initiatives; (2) To request all bodies of the Organization to support efforts to assess Members’ capacities and needs, in order to assist them with resource mobilization for the resolutions implementation; tracking and evaluating the implementation progress of Congress and Executive Council decisions and resolutions; in order to make interventions where necessary;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (EC-76) - Improving assessment of Member capacity and needs (2023)


RB - Research Board


(1) To request the technical commissions to work with the Capacity Development Panel, regional associations and other relevant bodies to build on existing WMO frameworks to develop appropriate benchmarks and baselines to enable the objective assessment of the capacities of Members to facilitate a better identification of capacity needs and aid planning of capacity development initiatives; (2) To request all bodies of the Organization to support efforts to assess Members’ capacities and needs, in order to assist them with resource mobilization for the resolutions implementation; tracking and evaluating the implementation progress of Congress and Executive Council decisions and resolutions; in order to make interventions where necessary;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (EC-76) - Improving assessment of Member capacity and needs (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(2) To request all bodies of the Organization to support efforts to assess Members’ capacities and needs, in order to assist them with resource mobilization for the resolutions implementation; tracking and evaluating the implementation progress of Congress and Executive Council decisions and resolutions; in order to make interventions where necessary; (3) To request the Secretary-General to support Regional Centres through extrabudgetary resources to enable them in addressing issues of capacity development at regional levels;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (INFCOM-2) - Process to nominate and implement a Pilot GSRN (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(2) To request the Secretary-General to issue a call to WMO Members to nominate stations for the pilot GSRN;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (INFCOM-2) - Process to nominate and implement a Pilot GSRN (2022)




(3) To urge Members to consider nominating stations with reference measurements to be part of the pilot GSRN;

Session deadline

Decision 6 (INFCOM-2) - Process to nominate and implement a Pilot GSRN (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) To request the GSRN Lead Centre and the GCOS Secretariat in consultation with the TT-GSRN to manage the process of establishing a pilot GSRN Pilot as specified in the document in the annex to this decision.

Session deadline

Decision 6 (SERCOM-2) - Modernization of the WMO State of the Climate monitoring  (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) To request the Secretary-General to facilitate the publication of this guidance as formal reference.

Session deadline

Decision 6 (SERCOM-2) - Modernization of the WMO State of the Climate monitoring  (2022)


SC-CLI - Standing Committee on Climate Services


(1) To request the Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) to actively promote the importance of the correct application of the Climatological Standard Normals and baselines in communicating information on climate change and variability. This would contribute to the modernization of the WMO State of the Climate monitoring activities at global, regional and national levels; (3) To request the SC-CLI to collaborate with other relevant Standing Committees of the Commission, the Research Board, the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and the Regional Associations on the use and value of this guidance by Members in various applications and report back the Commission at the next session;

Session deadline

Decision 7 (EC-73) - WIGOS Readiness Indicators  (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to provide Members with regular assessment results of the progress achieved in the national implementation of WIGOS, based on the WIGOS Indicators;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 7 (EC-73) - WIGOS Readiness Indicators  (2021)




Urges Members to collaborate with the Secretary-General in this assessment.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 7 (EC-73) - WIGOS Readiness Indicators  (2021)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM to further develop the WIGOS Indicators, including additional criteria to allow an improved assessment of Members’ compliance with WIGOS implementation and with WIGOS standards and recommendations, along with the implementation of the Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023);

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 7 (INFCOM-2) - Recognition of the concept for tiered networks (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To request the president of the Commission to consider the establishment of a mechanism to: (a) Consult, develop and agree upon a set of criteria to be used as part of the process to assign candidate networks to appropriate tiers and ensure that these criteria are linked to existing mechanisms within WMO, such as the Rolling Review of Requirements process, the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS), the WMO Siting Classification Scheme, and the WMO Measurement Quality Classification Scheme (MQCS); (b) Develop and recommend a mechanism of governance for the process that represents a sustainable approach for INFCOM and Members; (c) Develop an implementation plan to formalize and standardize the tiered network approach across domains and observing programmes as described in the annex to this decision; and (d) Report on progress to INFCOM-3.

Session deadline

Decision 7 (SERCOM-2) - El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation information to support Members  (2022)


SC-CLI - Standing Committee on Climate Services


(1) SC-CLI to work closely with the concerned substructures of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and the Research Board to explore ways to integrate the requirements for El Niño/La Niña information into GDPFS in close alignment with other GDPFS centres supporting the Climate Services Information System (CSIS); (3) SC-CLI to develop a plan to best support Members’ needs, drawing on outcomes from the WMO Scoping Workshop on the WMO recognized entity supporting El Niño/La Niña information, to be held from 6 to 8 December 2022 in Pune, India and other subsequent activities, and present it at SERCOM-3.

Session deadline

Decision 7 (SERCOM-2) - El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation information to support Members  (2022)


SCs/SERCOM - Standing Committees of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(2) Other Standing Committees/Study Groups of SERCOM to liaise with SC-CLI to communicate their needs for El Niño/La Niña information to be addressed and consider solutions to meet the needs including through updating the functions of existing WMO lead centre or global centres already providing similar functions;

Session deadline

Decision 8 (EC-76) - UN Early Warnings for All Initiative Follow-Up (2023)




(12) To request Members to engage in the UN Early Warnings for All initiative, including through close consultation with their mandated early warning authorities, to co-design operational Early Warning Systems in their nations which will target the most vulnerable communities in "the last mile".

Session deadline

Decision 8 (EC-76) - UN Early Warnings for All Initiative Follow-Up (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(9) To request the president of SERCOM: (a) To ensure that the work of the expert team is undertaken in close coordination with INFCOM, the Research Board, the regional associations, Capacity Development Panel, and other relevant bodies, as necessary; (b) To support the implementation and strengthening of initiatives such as HydroSOS and Urban and Riverine Flood Forecasting, as well as programmes such as the Associated Programme on Flood Management and the Integrated Drought Management Programme; (c) To support the expert team in developing the technical, scientific, technological and institutional elements required to accelerate WMO-wide action on the Early Warnings for All initiative and present a progress update at the occasion of Nineteenth Congress; (d) To contribute to the organization of a high-level event at the occasion of the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19); (e) To ensure the work of the ET and of other bodies reiterates the fundamental role of the NMHSs as the official and authoritative providers of early warnings for hydrometeorological hazards and the necessity for close collaboration with national disaster risk management agencies and other stakeholders, in the development and delivery of impact based early warnings; (f) To regularly report to EC on the progress of activities supporting the Early Warnings for All initiative and to take direction from EC on future advancement of the initiative;

Session deadline

Decision 8 (EC-76) - UN Early Warnings for All Initiative Follow-Up (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(11) To request the Secretary-General: (a) To allocate the necessary resources to support the work of the expert team; (b) To report back to EC-77 on the terms of reference and membership of the Early Warnings for All Senior Leadership Board; (c) To collect and make Member’s own initiative contributing to the UN Early Warnings for All initiative widely available to the public through its website and/or other means; (d) To coordinate with other partners of the UN Early Warnings for All initiative and ensure complementarity of their contributions with the activities (e) To mobilize resources for the implementation of the Early Warnings for All initiative to the extent possible within resources available; (f) To organize a high-level event at the occasion of Cg-19; and (g) To regularly report to EC on the progress of activities supporting the Early Warnings for All initiative, including the engagement with the Early Warnings for All Senior Leadership Board multi-stakeholder forums and other high-level EW4All events and to take direction from EC on future advancement of the initiative;

Session deadline

Decision 8 (INFCOM-2) - Guidelines for Conducting and Reporting on the Verification and Calibration of Discharge Measurement Instruments (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps to finalize and publish the draft Guidelines for Conducting and Reporting on the Verification and Calibration of Discharge Measurement Instruments.

Session deadline

Decision 8 (SERCOM-2) - Climate Data Requirements and Solutions  (2022)


SC-CLI - Standing Committee on Climate Services


(3) To request the Standing Committee on Climate Services to collaborate with other SERCOM Standing Committees, appropriate INFCOM Standing Committees, the Research Board, Regional Associations and other relevant bodies to facilitate the implementation of the above climate data requirements and priorities, and its reflection in WMO regulatory material;

Session deadline

Decision 8 (SERCOM-2) - Climate Data Requirements and Solutions  (2022)


MG/SERCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(4) To request the SERCOM Management Group to ensure that these priorities are properly reflected in the SERCOM work programme and to report its implementation status at the next SERCOM session.

Session deadline

Decision 9 (EC-76) - WMO contribution to the UN 2023 Water Conference (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(3) To request the Secretary-General to align WMO Contributions to the Water Conference with the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and associated Plan of Action for Hydrology in conformance with previous decisions of WMO Commissions and relevant bodies.

Session deadline

Decision 9 (SERCOM-2) - Wildfire-related early warning services  (2022)


SC-DRR - Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction


(1) To request the Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction to carry out, with a multidisciplinary approach and including through the establishment of the most appropriate subsidiary body, the tasks provided in the annex to the present decision, to be included in the revised work programme of the Commission;

Session deadline

Decision 9 (SERCOM-2) - Wildfire-related early warning services  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(2) To request the President of the Commission, assisted by the Management Group, to use the outcomes of such tasks to inform a recommendation to SERCOM-3 relating to the proposed subsidiary body structures necessary to support the future delivery of wildfire services.

Session deadline

Decision 10 (EC-76) - Actions emanating from the External Evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)


EC Panels - Panels of the Executive Council


(3) To request TCC, Hydrological Coordination Panel, Panel of Experts on Polar and High-mountain Observations, Research and Services and Capacity Development Panel to review their terms of reference and propose amendments, as needed, to the Executive Council;

Session deadline

Decision 10 (EC-76) - Actions emanating from the External Evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)


EC - Executive Council


(4) To review and adopt amended terms of reference for its subsidiary bodies at the seventy-seventh session, following the consideration of the governance reform by the World Meteorological Congress at its nineteenth session and taking into consideration any related guidance from it.

Session deadline

Decision 10 (INFCOM-2) - Recommendations of SG-OOIS (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To request the Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems and Standing Committees to implement relevant recommendations;

Session deadline

Decision 10 (INFCOM-2) - Recommendations of SG-OOIS (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(3) To request the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems to consult with the Services Commission and its president to engage with stakeholders listed in the report in order to implement relevant recommendations, with a priority on the collaboration among regional entities and the establishment of a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) satellite coordinator.

Session deadline

Decision 10 (SERCOM-2) - Preparation of guidance material to Marine Emergency Response (MER)  (2022)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To invite the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) to support the preparation of the guidance material, taking into account its leadership and experience in nuclear and non-nuclear atmospheric environmental emergency responses;

Session deadline

Decision 10 (SERCOM-2) - Preparation of guidance material to Marine Emergency Response (MER)  (2022)


SC-MMO - Standing Committee on Marine Meteorology and Oceanographic Services


(1) To request the Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO) to arrange for the preparation of guidance material to Marine Emergency Response (MER), including meteorological and oceanographic guidance for both environmental emergencies and Search and Rescue operations, as outlined in the annex to this draft Decision, and bearing in mind the advice regarding services in support of SAR which are included in WMO-No. 558;

Session deadline

Decision 10 (SERCOM-2) - Preparation of guidance material to Marine Emergency Response (MER)  (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


(3) To request the WMO Secretariat to provide assistance for the preparation of guidance material and advice on marine emergency response good practices in consultation with the Chair of SERCOM Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services, chairs of the relevant INFCOM Standing Committees, and other bodies and organizations, including the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and others, as appropriate.

Session deadline

Decision 11 (INFCOM-2) - Update of the mechanism for recognition of long-term observing stations (2022)


SC-MINT - Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability


(2) Should Congress adopt Recommendation 5.5(6)/1 (SERCOM-2), to request SC-MINT to lead the over-all coordination of the recognition mechanism for long-term observing stations.

Session deadline

Decision 11 (SERCOM-2) - Best Practices for Integrated Weather and Climate Services in support of Net Zero Energy Transition  (2022)




(2) To encourage Members of the Commission to take note of the 2022 State of Climate Services Energy report developed by WMO and 26 partners representing climate finance institutions and key energy stakeholders, including members from the Study Group on Integrated Energy Services and the private sector, as a useful guidance for actions towards net zero, including strengthening climate services for energy; (3) To invite the Members of the Commission to apply the best practices for developing user-driven weather and climate services for the energy sector to support resilience, renewable energy development and energy efficiency, and report to the Commission on their experience.

Session deadline

Decision 12 (EC-76) - Strategic Communications update (2023)




(2) To urge Members to designate a focal point for all communication activities, as per WMO Circular letter 01828/2023/CSG; (3) To call on Members to contribute to the 150th anniversary of the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) through national events and by providing relevant exhibition materials to the collection of the history of WMO;

Session deadline

Decision 12 (INFCOM-2) - Outcomes of the Hydrological Coordination Panel (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


The Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems takes note of the outcomes of and actions proposed by the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP) at its fourth meeting in May 2022 and relevant to the INFCOM mandate as included in the annex and requests the President of INFCOM to task relevant subsidiary bodies to address them accordingly.

Session deadline

Decision 12 (SERCOM-2) - Strengthening of activities in heat and health   (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Urges the president of the Commission, in consultation with NMHSs WMO and international bodies, to coordinate and strengthen activities on extreme heat across the WMO to support Members in meeting the increasing needs for scientifically supported impact-based heat warning system guidance. Requests the president of the Commission, to arrange for the update of extreme heat-related guidance, strengthen health relevant heat forecasting including duration and characterization, foster research including on impacts and effectiveness, enhance communications, and build sustainable partnerships.

Session deadline

Decision 12 (SERCOM-2) - Strengthening of activities in heat and health   (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Further urges the president of the commission and the SERCOM Management Group, in consultation with the relevant WMO and international bodies, to consider the appropriate subsidiary body structure within SERCOM to ensure productive engagement and coordination with relevant bodies to advance heat and health initiatives.

Session deadline

Decision 12 (SERCOM-2) - Strengthening of activities in heat and health   (2022)


MG/SERCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Further urges the president of the commission and the SERCOM Management Group, in consultation with the relevant WMO and international bodies, to consider the appropriate subsidiary body structure within SERCOM to ensure productive engagement and coordination with relevant bodies to advance heat and health initiatives.

Session deadline

Decision 13 (SERCOM-2) - Addressing Infectious Disease Research and Products  (2022)


SG-HEA - Study Group on Integrated Health Services


(2) To request SG-HEA to further explore requirements for the routine use of climate, meteorological, hydrological and air quality information for infectious disease management and research; and to identify mechanisms and actions to prevent and respond to infectious disease outbreaks and other concurrent emergencies at various levels;

Session deadline

Decision 14 (EC-75) - Independent review of the effectiveness of the WMO Regional and Subregional Offices (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (2) To request the Secretary-General to circulate to Executive Council members the complete independent review report;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 14 (EC-75) - Independent review of the effectiveness of the WMO Regional and Subregional Offices (2022)


TF-CRWRCA - EC Task Force on the Comprehensive Review of the WMO Regional Concept and Approaches


The Executive Council decides: (3) To request the EC Taskforce on the Comprehensive Review of the WMO Regional Concept and Approaches to review the findings and recommendations of the independent review and to provide appropriate guidance for consideration of EC-76.



Session deadline

Decision 14 (EC-76) - Adoption of Protocol on Unsatisfactory Conduct (2023)


SA - Staff Association


Requests the Staff Association to provide a verbal and written report to the Executive Council annually as part of the standing human resources agenda item.

Session deadline

Decision 14 (INFCOM-2) - Procedures for amending the Technical Regulations (WMO‑No. 49), their annexes, Guides and other corresponding non-regulatory publications (2022)




Invites Members to review and provide the Secretariat with feedback to the draft unified procedures, attached as Annex 1 to the said Recommendation, by 30 November 2022, to enable the Secretary-General to finalize the document in consultation with the presidents of the technical commissions, for consideration the by Executive Council at its forthcoming session in February 2023; Further invites Members to review and provide Secretariat feedback on the list of regulatory and non-regulatory publications to be amended or developed by the technical commissions for inclusion in the list of mandatory publications in the nineteenth financial period, attached as Annex 2 to the said Recommendation, by 30 November 2022, for consideration by the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress.

Session deadline

Decision 14 (SERCOM-2) - Good practices on high-resolution modelling for Integrated Urban Services  (2022)




(2) To encourage WMO Members to apply good practices on high-resolution modelling for integrated urban services in their continuous efforts to improve service delivery in urban settings.

Session deadline

Decision 15 (EC-76) - Date and place of the next sessions of the Executive Council and programme of sessions of constituent bodies (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) To request the Secretary-General to submit to EC-77 a tentative programme of sessions of constituent bodies, additional bodies established by Congress and subsidiary bodies of the Council for 2023–2024, in order to facilitate planning of attendance, taking into account the criteria for face-to-face and online meetings provided in Annex 2.

Session deadline

Decision 15 (SERCOM-2) - Summary and recommendations of the workshop on integration of urban-related activities in WMO  (2022)


TCs - Technical Commissions


Decides to invite WMO Technical Commissions, Research Board, Regional Associations and other relevant bodies to take note of the Summary and recommendations of the workshop in urban-related activities in WMO, and to consider these recommendations as part of their efforts to improve service delivery in urban settings.

Session deadline

Decision 15 (SERCOM-2) - Summary and recommendations of the workshop on integration of urban-related activities in WMO  (2022)


RB - Research Board


Decides to invite WMO Technical Commissions, Research Board, Regional Associations and other relevant bodies to take note of the Summary and recommendations of the workshop in urban-related activities in WMO, and to consider these recommendations as part of their efforts to improve service delivery in urban settings.

Session deadline

Decision 15 (SERCOM-2) - Summary and recommendations of the workshop on integration of urban-related activities in WMO  (2022)


RAs - Regional Associations


Decides to invite WMO Technical Commissions, Research Board, Regional Associations and other relevant bodies to take note of the Summary and recommendations of the workshop in urban-related activities in WMO, and to consider these recommendations as part of their efforts to improve service delivery in urban settings.

Session deadline

Decision 16 (EC-73) - Maintaining the WMO Headquarters Building  (2021)




(2) To invite Members to consider voluntary contributions to the WMO Trust Fund for Extraordinary Works at the WMO Building in order to fully finance the required works as explained in EC-73/INF. 6.4,

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 16 (EC-73) - Maintaining the WMO Headquarters Building  (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(3) To request the Secretary-General to take the necessary actions, and allocate resources, to ensure that the building remains a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally friendly work environment for the entire WMO community.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 16 (INFCOM-2) - Process for publication of technical document series (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests its Management Group to consider the implementation of similar processes to the other relevant INFCOM-related publication series; Further requests its Management Group to collaborate with SERCOM and the Research Board to move towards a harmonized submission, approval, and publication policy for the publication of the WMO non-regulatory publication series.

Session deadline

Decision 16 (SERCOM-2) - Contribution to Strategic and Operational Planning 2024–2027  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


(5) To request the president of the Commission to continue actively contributing to their finalization, including through regional consultations, to ensure that the priority needs of Members are addressed.

Session deadline

Decision 17 (EC-75) - Initiatives to Advance Socioeconomic Assessments of Weather, Climate and Water Services (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (1) To welcome the proposal of the Secretariat under the newly established thematic area of socioeconomic benefits (SEB) of weather, climate and water services ; (a) To develop the White Paper titled “Socioeconomic Benefits of Weather, Climate, Water Services, and other environmental aspects: The Role of WMO”; (b) To establish the Panel on Socioeconomic Benefits (PSB) to provide advice on the ways to further-develop and coordinate SEB-related activities and to provide reports on these to the Policy Advisory Committee; benefiting from the knowledge and scientific capacity of INFCOM and SERCOM; (c) To develop a SEB Toolbox and a SEB Toolbox Training Package as important instruments for strengthening the capacity of Members in conducting socioeconomic benefit studies and assessments;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 17 (EC-75) - Initiatives to Advance Socioeconomic Assessments of Weather, Climate and Water Services (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (2) To request the Secretary-General to support this commitment through partnerships with key institutions such as the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) of the World Bank, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), United Nations Regional Commissions, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), national ministries and development agencies.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 17 (INFCOM-2) - Towards improved uncertainty evaluations and harmonization of the uncertainty terminology across the key INFCOM-related WMO publications (2022)


SC-MINT - Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability


Requests SC-MINT to further promote, organize and coordinate field experiments and studies, necessary to refine and improve the uncertainty evaluation and traceability of measurements, including in collaboration with partners from the metrology community;

Session deadline

Decision 17 (INFCOM-2) - Towards improved uncertainty evaluations and harmonization of the uncertainty terminology across the key INFCOM-related WMO publications (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(1) To make necessary arrangements for the development of the relevant guidance material needed to ensure and maintain harmonization and consistency of “uncertainty”-related terminology and to implement these practices in technical publications overseen by the Commission; (2) To engage with BIPM and National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) to ensure that “uncertainty”-related terminology in use in WMO is better understood by other stakeholders, and consistent with the practices in use in other communities, thus supporting the engagement of partners from the broader Earth System approach in WMO activities.

Session deadline

Decision 18 (SERCOM-2) - Advice from the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP)  (2022)


SCs/SERCOM - Standing Committees of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Taking note positively of all the recommendations, decisions and actions proposed by the HCP for the consideration of SERCOM-2 included in the annex and requests relevant subsidiary bodies to act accordingly.

Session deadline

Decision 19 (INFCOM-2) - Engagement with the regional associations in the INFCOM work programme (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To request the President of INFCOM, in consultation with the Management Group, to undertake, promote and guide the activities highlighted in the consultative mechanism in the annex;

Session deadline

Decision 19 (INFCOM-2) - Engagement with the regional associations in the INFCOM work programme (2022)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


(3) To invite the presidents of Regional Associations and the regional offices with the support of the Secretariat to facilitate the participation of regional experts serving in their substructures in the substructures of INFCOM;

Session deadline

Decision 19 (INFCOM-2) - Engagement with the regional associations in the INFCOM work programme (2022)


ROs - WMO Regional Offices


(3) To invite the presidents of Regional Associations and the regional offices with the support of the Secretariat to facilitate the participation of regional experts serving in their substructures in the substructures of INFCOM;

Session deadline

Decision 19 (INFCOM-2) - Engagement with the regional associations in the INFCOM work programme (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) To request the Secretariat to facilitate the implementation of this decision;

Session deadline

Decision 19 (INFCOM-2) - Engagement with the regional associations in the INFCOM work programme (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(5) To invite the President of INFCOM to consider participation in the Regional Association sessions, and whenever physical participation is not possible, to consider remote participation;

Session deadline

Decision 19 (SERCOM-2) - SERCOM consideration of the mapping of Water and Climate Coalition activities  (2022)


HCP - Hydrological Coordination Panel


(2) To invite the Hydrological Coordination Panel to further review these activities and provide its recommendation to EC-76 for further referral to the WMO Hydrological Assembly on the appropriate prioritization of the strategically synergistic activities identified in the mapping;

Session deadline

Decision 20 (EC-75) - Human Resources Report and Human Resources Strategy for WMO (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (1) To note the Human Resources report and request that WMO give further consideration to early career development for staff, remote working, succession planning and Equality Diversity & Inclusion. With respect to Diversity & Inclusion, WMO should undertake appropriate and proportionate measures to achieve equal representation of women in leadership positions and in scientific and technical positions at WMO. This should include incorporating into the new Human Resources Strategy clear targets for advancing gender parity within the professional and ungraded posts and the development of an outreach and recruitment strategy for achieving such gender parity targets and that all future HR reports include comparative data on trends in the representation of women in the Organization, (3) To recommend that the WMO HR policies, while taking appropriate advantage of the independent policy-making authority of WMO, remain firmly embedded within the overall policy and regulatory framework of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), (5) To recommend that WMO pay careful attention to recent developments in the ‘new world of work’, and apply lessons learned from the recent pandemic regarding flexible work arrangements and new technologies that will impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the WMO workforce going forward,

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 20 (EC-75) - Human Resources Report and Human Resources Strategy for WMO (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (2) Further requests that each financial period a revised HR strategy is developed and that the annual HR report is then aligned to and reports on progress toward achieving the objectives of that strategy and is then presented each year to the Executive Council. In devising this strategy HR should consult with the staff association,

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 20 (EC-75) - Human Resources Report and Human Resources Strategy for WMO (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


The Executive Council decides: (6) To request the Secretary-General to develop and implement appropriate measures to ensure effective rewards and recognition of deserving staff, (7) To request the Secretary-General to include in future Human Resources reports relevant information regarding the employment of consultants especially regarding gender and geographic diversity of the individuals hired. See EC-75/INF. 6.4(1), EC-75/INF. 6.4(2) for more information

Session deadline

No Deadline
Decision 20 (INFCOM-2) - Capacity Development (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(7) To request the Management Group, in collaboration with the Regional Offices and Regional Associations, to establish a mechanism for coordination on capacity development activities among INFCOM groups, while using this mechanism as a training ground for INFCOM experts with less experience;

Session deadline

Decision 20 (INFCOM-2) - Capacity Development (2022)




(3) To encourage INFCOM-related regional centres (e.g. Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Centres (RWCs), Regional Instrument Centres (RICs), Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) and Measurement Lead Centres (MLCs)) to collaborate with Regional Training Centres (RTCs), supported by the Regional Offices, on the development and conduction of the training workshops towards the achievement of the WMO long-term goals and the strategic objectives; 

Session deadline

Decision 20 (SERCOM-2) - Gender equality  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests P/SERCOM to disseminate the outcomes from the SC-AVI Gender Report across SERCOM, INFCOM, and the Research Board, consolidate lessons learned and good practice in gender equality from across the commissions, and consolidate into a joint recommendation for EC-76 for consideration in finalizing the Strategic Objective 5.3 Advance equal, effective and inclusive participation in governance, scientific cooperation and decision-making in the WMO Strategic Plan 2024-2027, to support the objective of increased participation of women in all WMO technical commission activities.

Session deadline

Decision 21 (INFCOM-2) - Proposed actions to improve INFCOM Gender balance and diversity (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Invites the Secretary-General to feature gender equity in a special edition of the WMO Bulletin, to publish more exemplars of women engaged in all aspects of WMO activities on the Gender Equality page of the WMO website and include a selection in a special edition of the WMO Bulletin focused on gender equality.

Session deadline

Decision 21 (INFCOM-2) - Proposed actions to improve INFCOM Gender balance and diversity (2022)




Requests Members to register experts from underrepresented groups, especially females, from their service for the WMO Experts Network by EC-76 to address the current gender imbalance of the Commission; Also requests Members to encourage more women, including younger experts, and other diversity groups volunteering for expert teams, identifying and removing internal barriers and biases where needed; Invites Members to appoint female delegates on their representation to INFCOM; Also invites Members to increase equitable gender and other diversity group participation in their services;

Session deadline

Decision 21 (INFCOM-2) - Proposed actions to improve INFCOM Gender balance and diversity (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Invites P/INFCOM to help broaden membership into the ‘Allyship at Work’ community and to encourage collaboration across INFCOM, SERCOM and the Research Board (RB), to consolidate lessons learned and good practice on gender equality and regional inclusivity from across the commissions, thereby supporting the objective of increased participation of women in all WMO technical commission activities. Invites P/INFCOM, in collaboration with P/SERCOM and Chair RB to coordinate a joint recommendation for EC-76 for consideration in finalizing the SO 5.3 to Advance equal, effective and inclusive participation in governance, scientific cooperation and decision-making in the WMO SP2024–2027.

Session deadline

Decision 22 (INFCOM-2) - Date and place of next INFCOM Sessions (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) To request the president of the Commission, in consultation with the Secretary-General and the SERCOM president to decide on the exact dates of the Third Session;

Session deadline

Decision 22 (INFCOM-2) - Date and place of next INFCOM Sessions (2022)


INFCOM Members - Members of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(3) To invite INFCOM Members to consider hosting the Third INFCOM Session in their country according to Regulation 17.

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests the presidents of regional associations to support and monitor the implementation of this resolution within their regions;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)




Urges Members to: (1) Undertake necessary actions to promote alignment of national policies and regulations concerning Earth system data sharing and exchange, nationally and internationally, with the policy promulgated through this resolution; (2) Provide full transparency on conditions of use and re-use when such conditions apply to exchanges of recommended data; (3) Accommodate the need for users of recommended data to respect the conditions of use set by the owners of the data, as this will help to facilitate access to the data; (4) Facilitate the exchange of data from all stakeholders and sectors at the international level when emergencies and natural disasters occur; (5) Build partnerships to enhance the exchange of Earth system data amongst national and regional stakeholders in order to improve integration of data across disciplines and domains, thereby helping to strengthen them all;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)


EC - Executive Council


Requests the Executive Council to: (1) Oversee implementation of this resolution via appropriate mechanisms for continual monitoring of compliance; (2) Keep the definitions of core and recommended data provided in Annex 1 under regular review and propose updates as necessary;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, in coordination with the president of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications and the Chair of the Research Board to: (1) Provide draft technical regulations to support implementation of this resolution, to be submitted to the World Meteorological Congress in 2023; (2) In light of the commitment to free and unrestricted data exchange and the requirements of Members for access to high quality numerical weather prediction and analysis products, initiate a process of amending the Manual on the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 485) to be submitted to the World Meteorological Congress in 2023; (3) Develop a process for systematic and regular review of the types or domains of data that fall within the established practice and categories of Earth system data, as described in Annex 1, in order to meet both the changing needs of Members, the changing availability of data, and the continued development of modelling capabilities; (4) Ensure that the regional associations are kept informed of initiatives related to the implementation of this resolution and consulted on developments as necessary; (5) To take any necessary steps to ensure that WMO technical systems and guidelines will develop and evolve to accommodate the exchange and interoperability of Earth system data envisaged in this policy;

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications, in coordination with the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, the Chair of the Research Board, and other relevant bodies, to: (1) Initiate a process to review the emerging data requirements for risk- and impact-based warning and decision support systems; (2) Seek the engagement of concerned partners, i.e. international organizations/agencies that are reliant on the provision of weather, climate, water and related environmental services by Members on the further application and implementation of WMO’s unified data policy;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to: (1) Establish, adopt and publicize mechanisms to maximize the impact of this resolution and to ensure that it is effectively implemented within all Members, including any resource mobilization activities needed, recognizing the need of some WMO Members for support for their implementation efforts, for example through collaboration with relevant United Nations agencies and other international development partner organizations]; (2) Enact a system to monitor and report on implementation of this resolution by Members, and set indicators for the specific and substantive evaluation of the performance; (3) Strengthen effective coordination with relevant WMO partners and stakeholders on matters related to data policy and practice and encourage them to adopt similar policies and practices concerning the free and unrestricted exchange of their relevant data in support of WMO programmes; (4) Promote further collaboration with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Production Centres and other stakeholders to ensure full, free and unrestricted access to Earth system monitoring and prediction data for all Members to support them in the provision of their public weather, climate, water and related environmental services; (5) Develop guidance for Members on the implementation of this policy as concerns the relationship between public sector data providers and private sector users of data, keeping in mind the need to preserve the integrity of the publicly-funded international exchange of data as the foundation for all weather, climate, water and related environmental services.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the Services Commission to: (1) Review the existing GFCS exemplars on agriculture and food security, water resources, health, energy and DRR; (2) Compile relevant strategic documents prepared by its subsidiary bodies with a view to guiding development of climate services for urban, marine, aviation and national infrastructure applications; (3) Further develop and complement this existing guidance in collaboration with regional associations, partners and the private sector, to enhance its utility for guiding implementation of climate services, with particular attention to the articulation of user requirements;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the Research Board, Infrastructure Commission and Services Commission to intensify their collaboration on all aspects of the implementation of this resolution including by: (1) Collaborating on the development of updates to the technical pillars of the GFCS Implementation Plan for the future period and make recommendation to Congress; (2) Collaborating on research and development activities in concert with user stakeholders that support articulation of both mitigation- and adaptation-relevant knowledge support and services, and thereby; (3) Developing templates for components of systems and services provision that can be adapted for incorporation in climate investment projects;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Research Board, Infrastructure Commission and Services Commission to intensify their collaboration on all aspects of the implementation of this resolution including by: (1) Collaborating on the development of updates to the technical pillars of the GFCS Implementation Plan for the future period and make recommendation to Congress; (2) Collaborating on research and development activities in concert with user stakeholders that support articulation of both mitigation- and adaptation-relevant knowledge support and services, and thereby; (3) Developing templates for components of systems and services provision that can be adapted for incorporation in climate investment projects;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)


RB - Research Board


Requests the Research Board, Infrastructure Commission and Services Commission to intensify their collaboration on all aspects of the implementation of this resolution including by: (1) Collaborating on the development of updates to the technical pillars of the GFCS Implementation Plan for the future period and make recommendation to Congress; (2) Collaborating on research and development activities in concert with user stakeholders that support articulation of both mitigation- and adaptation-relevant knowledge support and services, and thereby; (3) Developing templates for components of systems and services provision that can be adapted for incorporation in climate investment projects;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)




Encourages Members: (1) To provide quality assured data on their climate services capacities; (2) To use the climate services checklist as a basis for identification of capacity development priorities and needs; (3) To continue providing and availing of peer-to-peer support among Members for capacity development; (4) To conduct assessments on the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of climate services in the GFCS priority areas and capacity needs at national level and to make this information available to stakeholders and partners; (5) To develop and implement National Frameworks for Climate Services;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the strategy provided in the INF accompanying this document in all WMO languages; (2) To provide financial and technical support in respect to training and/or assistance, for conducting of assessments on the socio-economic and environmental benefits of climate services in the GFCS priority areas; (3) To bring this resolution to the attention of all concerned.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-75) - Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Strategy and Measures for Enhanced Visibility, Effectiveness and Implementation (2022)




Calls on United Nations system entities, relevant regional and international organizations and entities, whether governmental or non-governmental, to give strong support to the implementation of GFCS activities through participation in relevant working mechanisms and through contributing expertise and resources;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 1 (EC-76) - Ice Forecasting Competency Framework (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to update and publish the Compendium accordingly;

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (EC-77) - WMO Contribution to the Early Warnings for All initiative (2023)




to also include EW4All as a standing agenda item in each session throughout the next financial period and to report back to EC;

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 1 (EC-77) - WMO Contribution to the Early Warnings for All initiative (2023)


RAs, TCs, RB


to consolidate all their relevant activities under the EW4All umbrella and report back to EC;

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 1 (EC-77) - WMO Contribution to the Early Warnings for All initiative (2023)




to mobilize and allocate resources in support of the WMO contribution to the EW4All initiative.
Resolution 1 (INFCOM-2) - Work Programme of the Commission  (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Management Group in consultation with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), the Research Board, the Hydrological Coordination Panel, the Capacity Development Panel and the Regional Associations, to continue to maintain, update, and to regularly review and reprioritize, the list of deliverables and responsibilities with the support of the Secretariat, facilitating and optimizing the connection between Standing Committees, Study Groups, Advisory Groups and Task Teams and to submit necessary deliverables to the next session.

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (SERCOM-2) - Updates to the Manual on Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) (WMO-No. 485) (2022)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Further invites INFCOM to consider the appropriateness of the name of ‘RSMC’ as a generic name for regional centres that cover GDPFS activities in all Earth system domains.

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (SERCOM-2) - Updates to the Manual on Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) (WMO-No. 485) (2022)


SC-MMO - Standing Committee on Marine Meteorology and Oceanographic Services


(1) To further refine the criteria, functions, and the list of mandatory and recommended products of RSMC-MER, as well as to develop detailed operational procedures, including activation of the services of RSMC-MER, in cooperation with relevant international organizations such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2) To encourage further demonstration of the capabilities for RSMC-MER including regional expansion, in order to test the criteria and functions; (3) To present the outcomes of this work to SERCOM-3;

Session deadline

Resolution 1 (SERCOM-2) - Updates to the Manual on Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) (WMO-No. 485) (2022)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Invites the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) to consider the above-mentioned requests and recommendation from SERCOM, except for those relevant to RSMC-MER, prepare draft amendments to the Manual on Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 485) and make a recommendation to the Executive Council;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027 (2023)


Executive Council, regional associations, technical commissions, the Research Board and the Secretary-General


to adhere to the vision and overarching priorities as well as to focus their efforts and resources on achieving the long-term goals and strategic objectives laid out in the Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027 (2023)


regional associations, technical commissions and the Research Board


(1) To ensure the availability of adequate expertise for the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan; (2) To use the Operating Plan 2024–2027 (Cg-19/INF. 3.1(1a)) and the most pressing regional priorities (Cg-19/INF. 3.1(1b)) as a basis for the development of their work plans, thus ensuring that the collective effort of all WMO bodies is channelled towards the implementation of the focus areas defined for the nineteenth financial period; (3) To provide updated technical requirements and regional and sub-regional priorities in good time for informing the development and monitoring of the Strategic Plan for the following financial period;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027 (2023)




(1) To distribute the publication of the Strategic Plan in all WMO official languages to all Members and constituent bodies of WMO, to the United Nations system and other partner organizations, as appropriate; (2) To familiarize Members with the Strategic Plan and WMO Monitoring System , ensure the regular review and update of the regional priorities as well as develop associated material to support WMO Members in the communication of this plan with their partners and governments; (3) To use the Strategic and Operating Plans and the most pressing regional priorities (Cg-19/INF. 3.1(1b)) as a basis for the work of all departments of the Secretariat and ensure that their work plans begin with and are well aligned with the work plans of the Regional Associations and the Technical Commissions; (4) To report to the Executive Council on implementation of the Strategic and Operating Plans by means of the quantitative and qualitative monitoring indicators and other appropriate reporting tools and formats; (5) To continuously improve the quality and reliability of the WMO Monitoring System by designing data quality assurance mechanisms, updating key benchmark studies, applying best practice, and making use of novel tools and technologies;
Resolution 2 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027 (2023)




(1) To use the Strategic Plan communications material developed by the WMO Secretariat as a basis for developing, updating and carrying out national strategic and implementation plans, demonstrating alignment with other national, regional and global development strategies and policy documents in the areas of meteorology, hydrology, climatology and related disciplines; (2) To provide accurate and timely data on the monitoring indicators designed to track the Strategic Plan implementation in accordance with the WMO Monitoring System as well as verify and confirm their relevance and measurability;
Resolution 2 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027 (2023)




to develop the Strategic Plan for the twentieth financial period 2028–2031 by taking into account the global stocktaking on implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, emerging global and regional priorities, policy and partnership commitments, and implementation data from the WMO Monitoring System.
Resolution 2 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Amendments to the Technical Regulations related to establishment of the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (2021)




Urges Members to immediately commence their implementation of this network, including the necessary preparations for GBON station designation and GBON data exchange, if needed in a phased approach, as allowed by their individual capacities, where applicable, in combination with support of multilateral and bilateral development partners, and financial mechanisms such as the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF); Urges further Members to support the implementation of GBON, including by supporting the development and establishment of SOFF and to consider contributing resources – financial, technical or in-kind – to its development and operation;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 2 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Amendments to the Technical Regulations related to establishment of the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (2021)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems to: (1) Develop technical guidelines, processes and procedures needed to ensure expedient and efficient implementation of GBON, and to prepare for effective performance and compliance monitoring of GBON; (2) Promote the development and adoption of cost-effective and environmental-friendly strategies and technologies to support the implementation and sustainability of GBON, especially in developing countries, particularly for surface-based upper-air observations and automatic weather stations; (3) In collaboration with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications and the Research Board, provide to Members relevant technical and scientific documentation and communication material demonstrating the specific benefits to Members that the different components of GBON are expected to deliver; (4) Continue in exploring potential paths for future evolution for GBON into broader Earth system domains and disciplines beyond its current scope of support for Global NWP and climate analysis; (5) Explore, in collaboration with the Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board, possible initiatives to strengthen the exchange of surface-based Earth system observations over the global ocean, for example via an extension of GBON into this domain; (6) In collaboration with the Research Board, actively pursue an optimization of the GBON design, considering impact-based metrics, unique characteristics of individual Members, new scientific advances and new operational technologies, with the aim of presenting proposed amendments to the Technical Regulations to the World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19) in 2023;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Amendments to the Technical Regulations related to establishment of the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160), with the section 3.2.2 Global Basic Observing Network in all WMO official languages; (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant documents; (3) To bring the present resolution to the attention of all concerned; Further requests the Secretary-General: (1) In partnership with multilateral and bilateral development partners, to facilitate Members’ resource mobilization required for the development and operation of GBON; (2) In partnership with the members of the Alliance for Hydromet Development and other partners, to consider the possibility of extending the support of SOFF to developing Members not deemed eligible for support in the initial phase, in order to ensure global implementation and sustained operations of GBON; (3) In partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) co-sponsors to explore the possibility of leveraging international collaboration on marine observations in the implementation and further development of GBON.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 2 (EC-76) - Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Competency Framework (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to update and publish the Compendium accordingly;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (EC-76) - Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Competency Framework (2023)


SC-DRR - Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction


Requests the Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones, through its parent body, the Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and Public Services (SC-DRR) work towards a next step by consolidating the five regional TCF competency frameworks into a single framework, achieving a consistent approach with other WMO service areas;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (EC-76) - Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Competency Framework (2023)


AG-TC - Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones


Requests the Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones, through its parent body, the Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and Public Services (SC-DRR) work towards a next step by consolidating the five regional TCF competency frameworks into a single framework, achieving a consistent approach with other WMO service areas;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (EC-77) - Budget for the Biennium 2024–2025  (2023)




to develop a proposal for the use of cash surplus from the eighteenth financial period and savings that may be realized during the first biennium of the nineteenth financial period and seek approval by the Executive Council concerning the allocation of those resources;
Resolution 2 (INFCOM-2) - Establishment of Standing Committees, Study Groups and Advisory Groups of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(2) The Management Group to strengthen coordination with Executive Council Panels, and enhance cooperation between Technical Commissions and their subsidiary bodies at technical level;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (INFCOM-2) - Establishment of Standing Committees, Study Groups and Advisory Groups of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(1) The president with the assistance of the Management Group and the support of the Secretariat to ensure the selection of technical experts from the Expert Network to serve in the above standing committees, study groups and advisory groups, and to establish working groups and expert teams, including intercommission mechanisms, as necessary to complete the work of these bodies, taking into account the expertise required, regional and gender balance and inclusiveness, as established by the Rules of Procedure, and recommendations by the Research Board;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (INFCOM-2) - Establishment of Standing Committees, Study Groups and Advisory Groups of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


MG/INFCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(1) The president with the assistance of the Management Group and the support of the Secretariat to ensure the selection of technical experts from the Expert Network to serve in the above standing committees, study groups and advisory groups, and to establish working groups and expert teams, including intercommission mechanisms, as necessary to complete the work of these bodies, taking into account the expertise required, regional and gender balance and inclusiveness, as established by the Rules of Procedure, and recommendations by the Research Board;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (INFCOM-2) - Establishment of Standing Committees, Study Groups and Advisory Groups of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization


(1) The president with the assistance of the Management Group and the support of the Secretariat to ensure the selection of technical experts from the Expert Network to serve in the above standing committees, study groups and advisory groups, and to establish working groups and expert teams, including intercommission mechanisms, as necessary to complete the work of these bodies, taking into account the expertise required, regional and gender balance and inclusiveness, as established by the Rules of Procedure, and recommendations by the Research Board;

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (INFCOM-2) - Establishment of Standing Committees, Study Groups and Advisory Groups of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


RB - Research Board


Invites further the Research Board, where appropriate and in consultation with the Management Group of the Infrastructure Commission, to re-confirm or nominate one or more experts to act as liaison between the Research Board and any subsidiary body of the Technical Commission; these experts will advise on the implementation of scientific and technological advances, facilitate links between the work of the subsidiary body in question and the Research Board/Research programmes, assist in avoiding duplication of effort, and report to the Research Board on the work of the subsidiary body.

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (SERCOM-2) - UN Global Early Warnings/Adaptation Initiative  (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Invites the Secretary-General of WMO to provide the necessary resources to support these efforts.

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (SERCOM-2) - UN Global Early Warnings/Adaptation Initiative  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president of the Services Commission to take immediate action to advance preparations for the practical implementation of the challenge by, but not limited to: (1) Involving Members and their mandated early warning authorities in their roles as providers of early warning services, as well as beneficiaries of the Early Warnings for All initiative; (2) Mapping partnerships with other organisations from public and private sectors as well as academia; (3) Engaging with, and learning from, existing WMO programmes and initiatives, and those of other organizations, to leverage synergies and avoid duplication of efforts; (4) Gathering evidence to iteratively define success factors; and (5) Continuously prepare and disseminate information materials to keep Members apprised of activities and current challenges, and to support resource mobilization efforts.

Session deadline

Resolution 2 (SERCOM-2) - UN Global Early Warnings/Adaptation Initiative  (2022)


MG/SERCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the management group of the Services Commission to work in close coordination with the management group of the Infrastructure Commission and with the Research Board, regional associations and other relevant bodies on the further development of the technical, scientific and technological elements which take into account the Initial Early Warnings for All Action Plan, drafted by the WMO Secretary-General, to be communicated at UNFCCC COP-27;

Session deadline

Resolution 3 (Cg-19) - Maximum expenditure for the nineteenth financial period (2024–2027) (2023)




to monitor the implementation of the Operating Plan at both the outcome and output levels, in accordance with the WMO monitoring and evaluation system, in particular in relation to the use of budgetary resources
Resolution 3 (Cg-19) - Maximum expenditure for the nineteenth financial period (2024–2027) (2023)


SG and Members


to mobilize extrabudgetary contributions to accelerate, expand and/or scale up the implementation of the Long-term Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Strategic Plan for 2024–2027, with particular emphasis on Early Warnings for All, the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch initiative, Cryosphere and downstream impacts and the implementation of the Plan of Action for Hydrology.
Resolution 3 (Cg-19) - Maximum expenditure for the nineteenth financial period (2024–2027) (2023)




to prioritize any resulting cash surplus from the eighteenth financial period and savings that may be realized during the first biennium of the nineteenth financial period among the strategic priorities including Early Warnings for All; Cryosphere and downstream impacts; the implementation of the Plan of Action for Hydrology; upon the outcome of the work of the Task Force on the Comprehensive Review of the WMO Regional Concept and Approaches, the implementation of the Task Force’s recommendations; and the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch initiative, subject to the approval of its implementation plan;

Session deadline

Resolution 3 (Cg-19) - Maximum expenditure for the nineteenth financial period (2024–2027) (2023)




to seek approval by the Executive Council concerning the allocation of cash surplus from the eighteenth financial period and savings that may be realized during the first biennium of the nineteenth financial period to the priorities as defined by the Executive Council
Resolution 3 (Cg-19) - Maximum expenditure for the nineteenth financial period (2024–2027) (2023)




to continuously review the methods of implementation and to identify operational efficiencies, including through further partnerships with Member institutions, and to report on efficiencies identified to EC-79 in connection with the presentation of the Budget 2026-2027.
Resolution 3 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Systematic Observations Financing Facility: Supporting Members in the implementation of GBON (2021)




Urges Members who have the capacity to: (1) Financially contribute to the SOFF United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund; (2) Provide expert readiness technical advisories, including peer-to-peer in support of the implementation of SOFF; or (3) Provide any other form of support; Urges Members who qualify as beneficiaries to take advantage of SOFF to achieve sustained compliance with GBON.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 3 (EC-77) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256) (2023)


President of WMO


to commence the process of appointment of the members of the Executive Council Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the amended Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256);
Resolution 3 (EC-77) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256) (2023)




to publish a new edition of the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256)
Resolution 3 (INFCOM-2) - Officers, Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Standing Committees, Study Groups, Advisory Groups and Task Teams, Management Group and Coordinators of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission)  (2022)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the President with the assistance of the Management Group and the support of the Secretariat to ensure the selection of above vacant positions, as mandated by the Commission in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of Technical Commissions, and the selection of technical experts to serve in the above standing committees and study groups, taking into account the expertise required, regional and gender balance and inclusiveness, as established by the Rules of Procedure, and recommendations by the Research Board.

Session deadline

Resolution 3 (SERCOM-2) - Hydrological services  (2022)


SC-HYD - Standing Committee on Hydrological Services


Requests SC-HYD to continue collecting, organizing and displaying the contributions of SERCOM Members to these three topics and report on advancements at SERCOM-3.

Session deadline

Resolution 3 (SERCOM-2) - Hydrological services  (2022)




Invites SERCOM Members to: (1) Contribute to the collection of case studies on the application of CAP to hydrology; (2) Enrich the Water Resources Assessment web portal with additional tools and guidance material; (3) Bring to the attention of SC-HYD additional models and platforms corresponding to the criteria listed in the report on Interoperable Models and Platforms for use in flood forecasting and early warning systems;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)




Invites Members to become acquainted with the content of the Action Plan to determine how they can benefit from and contribute to its implementation;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests presidents of technical commissions and the Chair of the Research Board to review the proposed activities for alignment of the Plan of Action with the work plans of the technical commissions and the Research Board;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests presidents of technical commissions and the Chair of the Research Board to review the proposed activities for alignment of the Plan of Action with the work plans of the technical commissions and the Research Board;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


C/RB - Chair of the Research Board


Requests presidents of technical commissions and the Chair of the Research Board to review the proposed activities for alignment of the Plan of Action with the work plans of the technical commissions and the Research Board;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests the regional associations to promote hydrological activities contributing to the Action Plan and to develop, with the assistance of HCP, regional action plans for hydrology as part of their regional operating plans to contribute to fulfilling the eight WMO long-term ambitions;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


HCP - Hydrological Coordination Panel


Requests the regional associations to promote hydrological activities contributing to the Action Plan and to develop, with the assistance of HCP, regional action plans for hydrology as part of their regional operating plans to contribute to fulfilling the eight WMO long-term ambitions;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to widely disseminate the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Action Plan to all Members, international partner organizations, and other relevant public, private and academic sector organizations;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests also that the presidents of the Services and Infrastructure Commissions, the Chair of the Research Board, the presidents of Regional Associations, the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, based on the advice of the Regional Hydrological Advisers and with the support of the Secretariat, ensure that the outputs of the quarterly regional fora of Hydrological Advisers of relevance to their programmes, activities and initiatives, are appropriately integrated into the workplans and priorities of the bodies they lead, as well as in the extra-budgetary projects supported by WMO;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests also that the presidents of the Services and Infrastructure Commissions, the Chair of the Research Board, the presidents of Regional Associations, the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, based on the advice of the Regional Hydrological Advisers and with the support of the Secretariat, ensure that the outputs of the quarterly regional fora of Hydrological Advisers of relevance to their programmes, activities and initiatives, are appropriately integrated into the workplans and priorities of the bodies they lead, as well as in the extra-budgetary projects supported by WMO;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


C/RB - Chair of the Research Board


Requests also that the presidents of the Services and Infrastructure Commissions, the Chair of the Research Board, the presidents of Regional Associations, the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, based on the advice of the Regional Hydrological Advisers and with the support of the Secretariat, ensure that the outputs of the quarterly regional fora of Hydrological Advisers of relevance to their programmes, activities and initiatives, are appropriately integrated into the workplans and priorities of the bodies they lead, as well as in the extra-budgetary projects supported by WMO;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests also that the presidents of the Services and Infrastructure Commissions, the Chair of the Research Board, the presidents of Regional Associations, the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, based on the advice of the Regional Hydrological Advisers and with the support of the Secretariat, ensure that the outputs of the quarterly regional fora of Hydrological Advisers of relevance to their programmes, activities and initiatives, are appropriately integrated into the workplans and priorities of the bodies they lead, as well as in the extra-budgetary projects supported by WMO;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)


C/HCP - Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel


Requests also that the presidents of the Services and Infrastructure Commissions, the Chair of the Research Board, the presidents of Regional Associations, the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, based on the advice of the Regional Hydrological Advisers and with the support of the Secretariat, ensure that the outputs of the quarterly regional fora of Hydrological Advisers of relevance to their programmes, activities and initiatives, are appropriately integrated into the workplans and priorities of the bodies they lead, as well as in the extra-budgetary projects supported by WMO;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action (2021)




Invites the United Nations, the United Nation System organizations, other partner international organizations and relevant public, private and academic institutions, to consolidate their actions in support to the implementation of the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Action Plan, recognizing it as a fundamental and necessary building block in fulfilling the objectives of the Sustainable Development Agenda.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to expeditiously arrange for the publication of the amended Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), Volume I;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the Services Commission to continue to periodically review the Manual and update it as necessary.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 4 (EC-77) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for technical commissions (WMO-No. 1240) (2023)




to ensure the dissemination and application of the amended Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions;
Resolution 4 (EC-77) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for technical commissions (WMO-No. 1240) (2023)




The Secretary-General to publish a new edition of the Rules of Procedure for technical commissions (WMO-No. 1240).
Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


SCs/INFCOM - Standing Committees of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests its Standing Committees to incorporate in their work plan for the next intersessional period, prioritized actions responding to the SG-CRYO recommendations, in close collaboration with, and building on the expertise of GCW-AG;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


SC-ESMP - Standing Committee on Data Processing for Applied Earth System Modelling and Prediction


Further requests GCW-AG and SC-ESMP to report at INFCOM-3 on a road map for infrastructure supporting the fully coupled cryosphere in Earth system models, incorporating opportunities for transferring mature research results to operations, as are those from YOPP;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Invites (1) SERCOM, RB, and RAs to collaborate, as appropriate, under the guidance of INFCOM Management Group, on the implementation of the SG-CRYO recommendations;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


RB - Research Board


Invites (1) SERCOM, RB, and RAs to collaborate, as appropriate, under the guidance of INFCOM Management Group, on the implementation of the SG-CRYO recommendations;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


RAs - Regional Associations


Invites (1) SERCOM, RB, and RAs to collaborate, as appropriate, under the guidance of INFCOM Management Group, on the implementation of the SG-CRYO recommendations;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


EC-PHORS - Panel on Polar and High Mountain observations, research, and services


Invites (2) EC-PHORS to consider the SG-CRYO Final Report in its strategies and advocacy;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


GCW-AG - Global Cryosphere Watch Advisory Group


(1) To collaborate with the INFCOM Standing Committees on the development of Technical Regulations and Guidance material implementing the SG-CRYO recommendations and operationalizing the GCW components in WMO Information System (WIS), WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS), by INFCOM-3; (2) To prepare in consultation with the SC-ON, terms of reference and a modus operandi for a task team on the coordination of space-based capabilities for advancing benefits of, and access to space-based cryosphere observations, by evolving those of the Polar Space Task Group, for approval by INFCOM President; (3) To further elaborate a detailed mapping of cryosphere-related activities in WMO based on the appendix to the SG-CRYO Final Report, in consultation with relevant INFCOM and SERCOM subsidiary bodies, with specific attention to the needs and potential synergies between GCW-AG and relevant SERCOM subsidiary bodies; (4) To report at INFCOM-3 on the progress made on addressing the SG-CRYO recommendations; Further requests GCW-AG and SC-ESMP to report at INFCOM-3 on a road map for infrastructure supporting the fully coupled cryosphere in Earth system models, incorporating opportunities for transferring mature research results to operations, as are those from YOPP;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)




Urges Members: (1) To continue fostering engagements of their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) with partners, research institutions and academia to maximize the benefits of the integration of cryosphere through WIGOS, WIS, and GDPFS; (2) To support with resources the implementation of SG-CRYO recommendations, including through the GCW Trust Fund and/or seconded experts;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)




Invites partners to take part in implementation of SG-CRYO recommendations;

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (INFCOM-2) - Closing the gap on the integration of CRYOSPHERE in the Earth system approach of WMO  (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(1) To provide the necessary assistance and Secretariat support to Members for the implementation of this Resolution, especially to developing and least developed countries, in respect to their requirements and within the available resources; (2) To assist in the mobilization of necessary resources and the engagement of experts to support the implementation of actions as outlined in this Resolution.

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (SERCOM-2) - Review of the work programme of the Commission  (2022)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president, in collaboration with the president of INFCOM, to facilitate the transfer of the activities related to long-term observing stations to INFCOM with the authorization of the Executive Council; Also requests the president to report on progress at the next session.

Session deadline

Resolution 4 (SERCOM-2) - Review of the work programme of the Commission  (2022)


MG/SERCOM - Management Group of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Further requests the Management Group to oversee the implementation of the work programme and to regularly review it, including prioritizing activities and deliverables, in light of progress, new directives from Congress and the Executive Council, adherence to the terms of reference and other relevant factors affecting it, and keep Members informed of the status;

Session deadline

Resolution 5 (Cg-19) - Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (2023)


INFCOM, SERCOM and the RB, via the joint Study Group


to further develop the concept through a detailed implementation plan, building on existing capabilities and ongoing activities under the GAW, including the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS), and other relevant international frameworks, and to bring back the draft plan to the Executive Council for its review and approval;
Resolution 5 (Cg-19) - Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (2023)




to keep the implementation plan and resulting actions, including their timelines, under review and provide guidance and oversight to INFCOM and relevant WMO bodies during the implementation phase;

Session deadline

Resolution 5 (Cg-19) - Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (2023)




(1) To allocate the necessary resources, ensuring adequate cross-cutting activities in the Secretariat, to support the further development of the concept through the detailed implementation plan, to the extent possible; (2) To further strengthen close collaboration and coordination with relevant United Nations agencies and other international partners engaged in greenhouse gas monitoring and modelling activities. In particular to engage with the UNFCCC to understand how the outputs could deliver actionable information that supports the Paris Agreement Global Stocktake and national government policy objectives; (3) Subject to approval of the plan by the Executive Council to mobilize partner resources to implement the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch;
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


C/RB - Chair of the Research Board


Requests the Chair of the Research Board and the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel to take appropriate actions, including the establishment of adequate mechanisms, to catalyse and guide the implementation of the WMO Hydrological Research Strategy;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


C/HCP - Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel


Requests the Chair of the Research Board and the Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel to take appropriate actions, including the establishment of adequate mechanisms, to catalyse and guide the implementation of the WMO Hydrological Research Strategy;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


PTCs - Presidents of the Technical Commissions


Requests presidents of the Technical Commissions to consider at their earliest convenience the recommendations of the Hydrological Assembly addressed to the Commissions, in order to ensure the continuity of relevant activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Further requests the president of the Services Commission to explore ways of ensuring operational support to FFGS and other flash flood and flood forecasting systems as part of the Flood Forecasting Initiative (FFI), one of the major hydrological initiatives identified by Resolution 25 (Cg-18);

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


HCP - Hydrological Coordination Panel


Requests the Hydrological Coordination Panel to establish the “Coordination and Support”, “Implementation” and “Technical Development” Teams by 31 December 2021 and to support and advise on the integrated delivery of the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) ensuring the coordination of the Technical Commissions, the Research Board and the regional associations;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests Presidents of regional associations and the Chair of HCP to jointly report on the progress of regional HydroSOS implementation at Cg-19;

Session deadline

Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


C/HCP - Chair of the Hydrological Coordination Panel


Requests Presidents of regional associations and the Chair of HCP to jointly report on the progress of regional HydroSOS implementation at Cg-19;

Session deadline

Resolution 5 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Advanced implementation of elements of the Plan of Action for Hydrology (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to send a communication to the National Science Foundations or equivalent bodies of Members, annexing the Hydrological Research Strategy describing it as the consensus of the international scientific community on the research needed to enhance operational hydrology in support of Sustainable Development Goal 6 and requesting their support for its implementation; Requests the Secretary-General to continue his valuable efforts in mobilizing extrabudgetary resources to support the implementation of these initiatives;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (EC-75) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (2022)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to publish the revised Rules of Procedure.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 5 (EC-76) - Updates to the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to expeditiously arrange for the publication of the amended Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), Volume I;

Session deadline

Resolution 5 (EC-77) - Financial Statements of the World Meteorological Organization for the year 2022 (2023)




to: (1) Transmit the financial statements together with his report and the report of the External Auditor thereon to all Members of the World Meteorological Organization; (2) Continue to report progress on the implementation of the management action plan related to External Auditor recommendations to the Audit and Oversight Committee and the Executive Council;
Resolution 6 (Cg-19) - Priorities to Address Global and Regional Impacts of Changes in the Cryosphere (2023)




to: (1) Ensure that the five priorities identified in the annex to this resolution are reflected and assigned accordingly in the WMO Operating Plan 2024–2027, based on their alignment with the Long-term Goals of the Strategic Plan;

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 6 (Cg-19) - Priorities to Address Global and Regional Impacts of Changes in the Cryosphere (2023)




to (2) Update the terms of reference of EC-PHORS, to serve as a mechanism for engagement and advocacy in the execution of this resolution and as an interface with key partners and stakeholders;

Session deadline

EC 77
Resolution 6 (Cg-19) - Priorities to Address Global and Regional Impacts of Changes in the Cryosphere (2023)


INFCOM, SERCOM, the Research Board, and the regional associations, in collaboration with EC-PHORS and other relevant WMO bodies,


to integrate the actions identified in the annex to this resolution, in their work programmes;
Resolution 6 (Cg-19) - Priorities to Address Global and Regional Impacts of Changes in the Cryosphere (2023)




(1) To make the necessary resources available to support WMO’s coordination, planning and implementation of Polar and High Mountain activities, to the extent possible; (2) To bring the present resolution to the attention of all concerned.
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to ensure a transparent screening of and reporting on membership of the WCC to Members as appropriate;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


EC - Executive Council


Requests the Executive Council, based on the advice of the HCP, to review guidance put forward by the WCC and develop recommendations to be taken up by the Technical Commissions, Research Board and Regional Associations, as appropriate;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)




Calls on Members to distribute the WMO Water Declaration widely and to motivate national stakeholders to join WCC.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications, the President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, the Chair of the Research Board and Presidents of Regional Associations, in coordination with the Chair of the HCP, to incorporate the WCC-related recommendations of the Executive Council in developing their work plans and activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications, the President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, the Chair of the Research Board and Presidents of Regional Associations, in coordination with the Chair of the HCP, to incorporate the WCC-related recommendations of the Executive Council in developing their work plans and activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


C/RB - Chair of the Research Board


Requests the President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications, the President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, the Chair of the Research Board and Presidents of Regional Associations, in coordination with the Chair of the HCP, to incorporate the WCC-related recommendations of the Executive Council in developing their work plans and activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests the President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications, the President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, the Chair of the Research Board and Presidents of Regional Associations, in coordination with the Chair of the HCP, to incorporate the WCC-related recommendations of the Executive Council in developing their work plans and activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO Water Declaration and Water and Climate Coalition (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Further requests the Secretary-General to: (1) Disseminate and promote the WMO Water Declaration among Members, UN and other international partner organizations particularly at UNFCCC COP meetings, and relevant public, private and academic sector organizations, emphasizing the vital importance of the mission of the NMHSs in monitoring, understanding and predicting weather, climate and water conditions, and in providing related information, warnings and services that meet river basin, regional, national, and global needs, especially in the context of climate change; (2) Provide the Executive Council with an accounting of planned budgetary and extra budgetary resources for the WMO activities in the WCC; (3) Facilitate the alignment and integration of WMO activities in the WCC with the decisions of the Congress, Hydrological Assembly and WMO Technical Commissions;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 6 (EC-76) - Update of Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (WMO-No. 134) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To update Appendix 1 of the Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (WMO-No. 134) with an additional list of recommended handbooks and textbooks on agricultural meteorology within 30 days of the approval of this resolution; (2) To promote the use of these handbooks and textbooks in training courses on agricultural meteorology by the WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs), Regional Associations, Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant WMO bodies and affiliated institutions.

Session deadline

Resolution 6 (EC-77) - Appointment of the WMO External Auditor (2023)




to ensure all future External Auditor appointments presented to Executive Council follow the established competitive selection process, regardless of a serving External Auditor’s eligibility for reappointment [FINAC].
Resolution 7 (Cg-19) - Review and implementation progress of the Plan of Action associated to the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology (2023)




to exert care during the preparation and editing of constituent body session documentation and other official WMO communications in properly representing the mandate of WMO in the domain of hydrology by using “hydrological services” rather than “water service” and in case of doubt to adopt the former;
Resolution 7 (Cg-19) - Review and implementation progress of the Plan of Action associated to the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology (2023)




(1) To continue monitoring the progress in the implementation of the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action based on feedback received by the relevant implementing lead entities, with the assistance of the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP); (2) To keep track of and approve changes to the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action as outlined in the Annex; (3) To prioritize for the next financial period, with the assistance of the Hydrological Coordination Panel, the implementation of elements of the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action which contribute to the EW4All initiative, and those expressed as a priority by the Hydrological Assembly;
Resolution 7 (EC-76) - Guide to Practices for Meteorological Offices Serving Aviation (WMO-No. 732) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To arrange for the expeditious publication of the Guide to Services for Aviation (WMO-No. 732); (2) To arrange for the updating of any current WMO publications that may refer to the legacy title of WMO-No. 732, necessarily replacing with the new title where applicable;

Session deadline

Resolution 7 (EC-76) - Guide to Practices for Meteorological Offices Serving Aviation (WMO-No. 732) (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), with the assistance of the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and Chair of the Research Board (RB) and in consultation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as necessary, to continue to ensure that the Guide to Services for Aviation (WMO-No. 732) is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 7 (EC-77) - Subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)


Chairs of the TCC and CDP


to consult their respective members as to the necessity to amend the terms of references of these bodies and submit recommendations, as needed, to the next session of the Council;
Resolution 7 (EC-77) - Subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)




to submit recommendations on the structure and operation of the Organization with regard to existing processes and mechanisms related to the technical and scientific programme on the basis of a study prepared by the Secretary-General;
Resolution 7 (EC-77) - Subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council (2023)




to: (a) Incorporate and publish the terms of reference of the committees and panels of the Executive Council in a new edition of the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-1256); (b) Review, and amend as needed, the rules of procedure for the Research Board, adopted in Resolution 12 (EC-72), in light of the amended terms of reference adopted by Congress in Resolution 4.3(3)/1 (Cg-19); (c) Prepare an analysis on the authorities and relations among all relevant bodies of the Organization, including the Secretariat, with regard to existing processes and mechanisms related to the technical and scientific programme. This analysis will comprise the processes of design, adoption, coordination, implementation and review of technical and scientific strategies, plans, programmes and budget, as well as the identification and programmatic inclusion of Members’ needs and requirements.
Resolution 8 (Cg-19) - Consideration of engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies (2023)




to decide on the terms of reference of the Chair of the Hydrological Assembly as the Hydrological Adviser to the President of WMO in the relevant rules and terms of reference;
Resolution 8 (Cg-19) - Consideration of engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies (2023)




in consultation with [Germany] the Hydrological Coordination Panel, to make recommendations to be considered at the next session of Congress concerning how to enhance the engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies;

Session deadline

Cg - 20
Resolution 8 (Cg-19) - Consideration of engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies (2023)


P/SERCOM, P/INFCOM, P/RAs, President of WMO


to organize the agenda of sessions and name the relevant documents in a way to highlight, as appropriate, the relevance for hydrology of the various topics discussed and attract the participation of hydrologists;
Resolution 8 (Cg-19) - Consideration of engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies (2023)




to emphasize in the notification letters to Members for technical commissions sessions the importance to Members of the attendance of hydrologists at such sessions, as hydrological topics are inherent in the Earth System approach even if not explicitly mentioned, and to encourage Members taking this into account when considering the composition of their delegations;
Resolution 8 (Cg-19) - Consideration of engagement of hydrologists in WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies (2023)




to ensure appropriate consultations with regional and national Hydrological Advisers in preparation of activities, conferences, trainings, management group meetings agendas and selection of participants in order to advance in the cooperation between meteorology and hydrology and better contribute to the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action 2022-2030.
Resolution 8 (EC-76) - Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and guidance (WMO-No. 904) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to arrange for the expeditious publication of the Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and guidance (WMO-No. 904);

Session deadline

Resolution 8 (EC-76) - Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and guidance (WMO-No. 904) (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), in consultation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as necessary, to continue to ensure that the Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and guidance (WMO-No. 904) is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (Cg-19) - Regional implementation plans for the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) (2023)




to present progress on the implementation of HydroSOS at future sessions of Congress so that the structure and viability of their ongoing implementation plans [Republic of Korea, New Zealand] can be reviewed;
Resolution 9 (Cg-19) - Regional implementation plans for the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) (2023)




to strengthen its activities related to HydroSOS and consider the infrastructure requirements for implementation of HydroSOS at national, basin, regional and global levels based on the initial product specifications developed by the HydroSOS Technical Team;
Resolution 9 (Cg-19) - Regional implementation plans for the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) (2023)




to keep supporting HydroSOS implementation to the practical outlook components at different spatial and temporal scales;
Resolution 9 (Cg-19) - Regional implementation plans for the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) (2023)




to enhance the Secretariat support towards the implementation of HydroSOS;
Resolution 9 (Cg-19) - Regional implementation plans for the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) (2023)




to work with relevant partners to synergize efforts and secure funding to resource the implementation of HydroSOS;
Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023)  (2021)




Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize WIGOS goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023)  (2021)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize WIGOS goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan; Further requests Members to continue to provide resources, including through the WIGOS Trust Fund and/or seconded experts, to help support the implementation of WIGOS;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023)  (2021)


TCs - Technical Commissions


Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize WIGOS goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023)  (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To provide the necessary assistance and Secretariat support to Members and regional associations, especially to developing and least developed countries, for the further development of WIGOS through its operational phase, within available resources; (2) To consider allocating resources from the regular budget for the continued development of the WIGOS technical tools; (3) To motivate Members to contribute the necessary resources for the further development of the WIGOS technical tools; (4) To initiate a long-term planning — including the necessary allocation of resources — for the development of WIGOS tools in all WMO official languages, and for the operational sustainability of these tools;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-73) - Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023)  (2021)




Invites partners to participate in relevant implementation activities as specified in the Plan.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-76) - Updating the WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation (2023)




Urges Members to provide biennial updates to the WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation in accordance with the Roadmap for the Implementation of QMS for Climate Services.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-76) - Updating the WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To promote periodic completion and updates by Members, on a biennial basis, of the WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation; (2) To facilitate the access and completion of the Checklist by Members through the provision of a secure online platform to be hosted by the IT system in the WMO Secretariat;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 9 (EC-76) - Updating the WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the president of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), with the assistance of the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and in consultation with other relevant bodies, to conduct an update of the Checklist every four years, according to the latest developments and decisions of the WMO Constituent Bodies, which may impact on the questions and structure of the Checklist;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 10 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategy for Service Delivery and its implementation plan (2023)




(1) To translate the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery (WMO-No. 1129) in all official languages; (2) To arrange for the expeditious publication of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery (WMO-No. 1129); (3) To arrange for the updating of any current WMO publications that may refer to the legacy title of WMO-No. 1129;
Resolution 10 (Cg-19) - WMO Strategy for Service Delivery and its implementation plan (2023)




to continue to ensure that the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery (WMO-No. 1129) is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures;
Resolution 10 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Towards a structured WMO response to global crises (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to provide Secretariat support to this initiative;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 10 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Towards a structured WMO response to global crises (2021)




Calls on Members to engage in this initiative through the mobilization of their experts and sharing their relevant expertise and knowledge;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 10 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Towards a structured WMO response to global crises (2021)




Invites capacity development partners and other relevant agencies to include business continuity and contingency planning within their project plans and related activities.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 10 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - Towards a structured WMO response to global crises (2021)


EC - Executive Council


Requests the Executive Council to review and provide feedback on the development of these proposed approaches; Requests further the Executive Council to include business continuity and contingency planning guidance development of Members in WMO’s Capacity Development Strategy, based on these proposals;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 10 (EC-76) - Fourth edition of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMONo. 100) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To arrange for the expeditious translation into all official WMO languages and the publication of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO‑No. 100); (2) To arrange for the updating of any current WMO publication of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-No. 100);

Session deadline

Resolution 10 (EC-76) - Fourth edition of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMONo. 100) (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) to continue to ensure that the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-No. 100) is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 11 (Cg-19) - Proposed amendment to the Technical Regulations, Volume I, General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices (WMO-No. 49) and update to the Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks (WMO-No. 1209) (2023)




to expeditiously arrange for the publication of the amended Technical Regulations, Volume I (WMO-No. 49), and the updated Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks (WMO-No. 1209);
Resolution 11 (Cg-19) - Proposed amendment to the Technical Regulations, Volume I, General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices (WMO-No. 49) and update to the Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks (WMO-No. 1209) (2023)


SERCOM with the assistance of the Capacity Development Panel (CDP)


(1) To undertake a further update of the online communications package, taking the outcomes of Cg-19 into account; (2) To continue to ensure that the WMO Technical Regulations and guidance pertaining to the qualifications and competency of AMP is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures, and that support is provided to Members with the further development of their competency frameworks and associated training programmes.
Resolution 11 (EC-76) - WMO Guide for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Support of National Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, Procedures, Coordination Mechanisms, and Services (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to publish and disseminate the guide, and support Members prone to Tropical Cyclones to implement the guide

Session deadline

Resolution 11 (EC-76) - WMO Guide for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Support of National Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, Procedures, Coordination Mechanisms, and Services (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Also requests the Services Commission in coordination with the Infrastructure Commission Regional Associations, Research Board and regional intergovernmental entities on tropical cyclones and other relevant WMO bodies and partners to promote implementing the guide and to support WMO Members prone to tropical cyclones to use the guide for developing or updating their national MHEWS procedures, coordination mechanisms and synergy, systems and services, and to report to the Executive Council progress and status on implementing the guide initially in 2024;

Session deadline

Resolution 11 (EC-76) - WMO Guide for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Support of National Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, Procedures, Coordination Mechanisms, and Services (2023)




Urges Members to take desired actions to implement the recommendations provided in this guide to establish their national MHEWS procedures, mechanisms and systems to enable information on warnings and response actions to reach everyone, and report to SERCOM via secretariat on their successes and challenges.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 12 (Cg-19) - Plan of Action for the Discontinuation of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation (2023)




to ensure that Members, regional associations and ICAO are kept apprised of developments as needed in respect of the discontinuation of Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation;
Resolution 12 (Cg-19) - Plan of Action for the Discontinuation of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation (2023)




(1) To ensure the appropriate and necessary discontinuation of the publication of Parts I and II and thereafter Parts III and IV of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, and (2) To arrange for the consequential amendment to or update of any extant WMO publications that refer to the legacy Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, Parts I and II and thereafter Parts III and IV upon their discontinuation;
Resolution 12 (EC-76) - Implementation Plan for the Methodology for Cataloguing Hazardous Events (WMO-CHE) with annexes (2023)




Requests Members to: (1) Strengthen capabilities to implement the WMO-CHE in coordination with their corresponding WMO entities (RCCs, RMSCs, WMOCs, etc.); and (2) Coordinate when possible, with the national disaster management agencies or other mandated national entities that record hazard impact data and information for improved disaster data and statistics;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 12 (EC-76) - Implementation Plan for the Methodology for Cataloguing Hazardous Events (WMO-CHE) with annexes (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests SERCOM in collaboration with INFCOM to: (1) Support Member implementation; (2) Develop an operational regional/global aggregation capacity during the first two years of the demonstration phase that leverages the WMO Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and WMO Information System (WIS) for monitoring hazardous events and impacts in support of the 2030 Agenda; (3) Ensure linkages to and collaboration with related international and regional initiatives and projects such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Warsaw Implementation Mechanism, Sendai Agreement Monitoring tool, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Task Force on Measuring Extreme Events and Disasters, UN Early Warning Initiative, Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS); (4) Facilitate and support the process of UN organizations sharing impact data and information repositories with regional associations through corresponding RCCs; (5) Further develop the CHE Events List and recommended standardized agreed-upon definitions through the appropriate WMO Constituent body process; and (6) Report progress to the seventy-eighth session of the Executive Council (EC-78) in 2024.

Session deadline

Resolution 12 (EC-76) - Implementation Plan for the Methodology for Cataloguing Hazardous Events (WMO-CHE) with annexes (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests Regional Associations and Members to support national and regional implementation, including ensuring appropriate coordination among RCCs in each region, such as the development of detailed operational procedures of CHE activities in the region.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 12 (EC-76) - Implementation Plan for the Methodology for Cataloguing Hazardous Events (WMO-CHE) with annexes (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to facilitate and support: (1) Implementation at the national/regional level by leveraging good practices of Members/regional associations; (2) Development of linkages and a communication strategy to ensure that implementation of the CHE is well understood and supported by all stakeholders, including international organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, research institutes and initiatives, and the insurance industry, to promote the use of the WMO-CHE and to improve the methodology in support of the 2030 Agenda; (3) Consultation with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC) on inclusion of tsunami into the WMO-CHE Event List and a way forward to develop a methodology for cataloguing tsunami events.

Session deadline

Resolution 13 (Cg-19) - Amendment to the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I: Section 5, to include the Common Alerting Protocol standard as a recommended practice (2023)




to expeditiously arrange for the publication of the amended Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I: General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices;
Resolution 13 (Cg-19) - Amendment to the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I: Section 5, to include the Common Alerting Protocol standard as a recommended practice (2023)




to continue to ensure that WMO’s Technical Regulations are periodically reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with established procedures.
Resolution 13 (EC-76) - Global Multi-Hazard Alert System Framework (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


(3) The Regional Associations to support and monitor implementation of the GMAS Framework by inclusion and coordination of its activities within their respective regional workplans;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 13 (EC-76) - Global Multi-Hazard Alert System Framework (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


(2) The Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) to: (a) Establish a process to ensure accountability and governance of the activities of the GMAS Framework; (b) Explore how best to incorporate the GMAS Framework in relevant WMO frameworks and normative documents such as the GDPFS Manual;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 13 (EC-76) - Global Multi-Hazard Alert System Framework (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(4) The Secretary-General to: (a) Facilitate the GMAS Framework implementation, including through the realization of resource mobilization opportunities with development partners and by connecting the implementation of the GMAS Framework; (b) To ensure the resources necessary to oversee the implementation of the GMAS Framework according to a project management approach; (c) Report to the Executive Council on the above activities;

Session deadline

Resolution 13 (EC-76) - Global Multi-Hazard Alert System Framework (2023)




Urges Members operating Global Data and Processing Forecasting System (GDPFS) Centres to contribute to the implementation of the GMAS Framework; Invites Members to facilitate, through public-private-academic engagement, development of various public and/or commercial services incorporating official and authoritative warnings of Members to be made widely available to the global community, as a result of the GMAS implementation; Further urges Members to contribute to the GMAS Framework through the secondment of experts or other in-kind and/or financial support.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with IATA on the Development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP)  (2021)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the President of INFCOM to report to the Executive Council on further progress made on the implementation of WICAP;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with IATA on the Development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP)  (2021)


RAs - Regional Associations


Invites Regional Associations and their Members to continue towards the establishment of regional AMDAR programmes under WICAP in accordance with the WICAP Implementation Plan.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 14 (EC-73) - Collaboration with IATA on the Development of the AMDAR Programme (WICAP)  (2021)




Invites Regional Associations and their Members to continue towards the establishment of regional AMDAR programmes under WICAP in accordance with the WICAP Implementation Plan.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 14 (EC-76) - WMO Coordination Mechanism Implementation Plan (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


(2) The Regional Associations to contribute to this endeavour in their respective regions;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 14 (EC-76) - WMO Coordination Mechanism Implementation Plan (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests: (1) The Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) to: (a) Establish a process to ensure full accountability and governance of the activities of the WCM; (b) Explore how best to incorporate the WCM in relevant WMO frameworks and normative documents such as the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) Manual; (c) With guidance from the EC, keep the Implementation Plan as a living document under review and make recommendations for the updating of the plan for EC consideration on a regular basis;

Session deadline

Resolution 14 (EC-76) - WMO Coordination Mechanism Implementation Plan (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(3) The Secretary-General to: (a) Facilitate the WCM implementation through the development of a resource mobilization plan detailing the secondment of experts and use of extrabudgetary resources; (b) Develop options to ensure the necessary resources in the WMO Secretariat to establish and manage the Coordination and Briefing Team (CBT) and present these to EC-77; (c) Noting the timescale required by Members in identifying suitable secondments, facilitate the embedding of experts from Members, and distribute a circular letter to the Members as soon as possible after EC-76, requesting their contribution to CBT; (d) Maintain and develop linkages of NMHSs with the UN and other humanitarian agencies; (e) Encourage the continuation of existing initiatives; (f) Report to the Executive Council on the above activities;

Session deadline

Resolution 15 (EC-76) - Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services Interoperable Environment (2023)




Urges Members operating global and regional GDPFS Centres to contribute to the implementation of the WCM, on a voluntary basis; Further requests Members to contribute to the WCM through the secondment of experts or other in-kind and/or financial support.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 16 (Cg-19) - WMO Activities in Drought Management (2023)




to ensure that all National Meteorological and Hydrological Services around the world use the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) to characterize meteorological droughts, in addition to other drought indices that are already in use in their service;
Resolution 16 (Cg-19) - WMO Activities in Drought Management (2023)




to further develop the concept of the GDCS and develop an implementation plan to test the concept, led by the Standing Committee on Services for Agriculture (SC-AGR), in coordination with the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD), the Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) and other relevant bodies as appropriate, including the World Climate Research Programme, on aspects of long-term changes and future projections of drought and the relevant mechanisms of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD);
Resolution 16 (Cg-19) - WMO Activities in Drought Management (2023)




(1) To liaise with the IDMP on integrating the GDCS framework and standards into its work on the three pillars in support of WMO Members; (2) To work with the UNCCD Secretariat and other United Nations and humanitarian organizations on the uptake of drought policies and drought early warning systems incorporating WMO activities and practices; (3) To support Members in further developing national and regional drought-monitoring systems with regards to: (a) Provide training on these issues including the usage of the Standardized Precipitation Index, other drought indices and GDCS; and (b) Build on existing climate monitoring entities including the WMO Regional Climate Centres (RCCs/RCC-Networks ; (4) To facilitate the work of the IDMP, Management Committee and Advisory Committee and to report regularly to the Executive Council on the progress of its implementation; (5) To work with the Global Water Partnership and other potential partners to secure extrabudgetary funding to resource the activities of the IDMP and its joint Technical Support Unit in the Secretariat; (6) To ensure that the comprehensive user manual on SPI, which provides a description of the index, the computation methods, the current application of the index, the strengths and limitations, mapping capabilities and how it can be used, will be published and distributed in all official languages of WMO; (7) To ensure that the outcomes and recommendations of the SERCOM bodies working on drought issues will be distributed to all Members;
Resolution 16 (EC-76) - Implementation plan for Integrated Health Science and Services 2023–2033 (2023)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests: (1) SERCOM to identify and designate the appropriate body for coordination and technical support of the work on Integrated Health Services (2023–2033) at SERCOM-3 (2024);

Session deadline

Resolution 16 (EC-76) - Implementation plan for Integrated Health Science and Services 2023–2033 (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


(2) The Secretary-General to provide the necessary support to maintain and/or establish the mechanisms outlined as necessary for implementation;

Session deadline

Resolution 16 (EC-76) - Implementation plan for Integrated Health Science and Services 2023–2033 (2023)


WHO - World Health Organization


Invites: (2) WHO Members, and development partners to consider funding such arrangements; (3) The World Health Organization to nominate experts to the WMO Expert Network to support proposed mechanisms and structures established by SERCOM.

Session deadline

Resolution 16 (EC-76) - Implementation plan for Integrated Health Science and Services 2023–2033 (2023)




Invites: (1) Members to support implementation of the proposed actions and mechanisms; facilitate collaboration of their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other relevant actors with the health community to enhance integrated climate, environment and health science and services; and to nominate health experts to the WMO Expert Network;

Session deadline

Resolution 17 (Cg-19) - Implementation of Integrated Health Science and Services (2023)




to establish appropriate mechanisms for the effective support of the WMO-WHO Joint Climate and Health Office and implementation of Integrated Health Services;
Resolution 17 (Cg-19) - Implementation of Integrated Health Science and Services (2023)




to enhance support to the health sector and continue to nominate and support the work of health sector focal points for health-related research and services;
Resolution 17 (Cg-19) - Implementation of Integrated Health Science and Services (2023)




to provide the necessary support to maintain and/or establish the mechanisms outlined as necessary for implementation, including the establishment of a joint technical oversight mechanism with WHO and the revision of the WHO-WMO Joint Office terms of reference in accordance with any new mandate, as appropriate;
Resolution 17 (Cg-19) - Implementation of Integrated Health Science and Services (2023)




to responsively co-design with the research and health community, products and services required to effectively support public health by all Members, and to assist in strengthening the capacities of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and other providers and users of health-tailored information services;
Resolution 17 (EC-76) - WMO activities on extreme heat and health (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate steps to scope the needs and opportunities to further enhance coordination of extreme heat related science and services across relevant bodies, WMO programmes and initiatives, such as, the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme’s Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (GURME) project , the Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS), the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) of the Global Framework for Climate Services, the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS), the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS), in order to inform a roadmap for enhanced extreme heat risk management;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (Cg-19) - WMO Flood Forecasting and Management activities (2023)




as appropriate and within the available budgetary resources, to take all necessary actions to support the implementation of WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Plan of Action, and particularly of activities under the long-term ambition “No one is surprised by a flood”;
Resolution 18 (Cg-19) - WMO Flood Forecasting and Management activities (2023)




to continue with the implementation of the Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) within the budgetary constraints through pilot projects approach in other regions affected by severe flood events;
Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and the Pre-Operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)  (2021)


TCs - Technical Commissions


Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize the goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and the Pre-Operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)  (2021)




Invites partner organizations: (1) To participate in relevant activities of the Plan; (2) To further support the implementation of GCW by contributing with human and financial resources.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and the Pre-Operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)  (2021)




Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize the goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan; Urges Members: (1) To continue fostering engagements of their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) with national and regional partners, research institutions, and academia, to maximize the benefit of existing observing infrastructure, of the access to cryospheric data, and of the transfer of advances in cryospheric research to operations; (2) To continue to provide resources, including through the GCW Trust Fund and/or seconded experts, to help support the implementation of GCW;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and the Pre-Operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)  (2021)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests Members, regional associations and technical commissions to organize their activities to realize the goals and associated outcomes as described in the Plan; Requests the regional associations to collaborate with GCW in the organization of workshops, including capacity development and outreach activities;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 18 (EC-73) - Transition and the Pre-Operational Plan of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)  (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To provide the necessary assistance and Secretariat support to Members, especially to developing and least developed countries, for the implementation of the Plan reflective of their requirements and within available resources; (2) To motivate Members to contribute the necessary resources for the further development of the activities of the Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160), in all WMO official languages; (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant documents; (3) To bring the present resolution to the attention of all concerned;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems: (1) To further develop and enhance the Technical Regulations, Volume I - General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices, (WMO-No. 49) Part I –WMO Integrated Global Observing System, and the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) according to Resolution 9 (EC-73) – Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023); (2) To develop, in collaboration and consultation with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) and the Research Board as appropriate, a transition plan for the evolved Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process, and to consider its further evolutions on the basis of lessons learned; (3) To update the Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165) with the corresponding guidance material to support Members in the implementation of the updated provisions of Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160), in particular, related to the inclusion of environmental sustainability in the observing network design principles;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)


P/SERCOM - President of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services and Applications


Requests also the president of SERCOM, the Chair of the Research Board, and the presidents of regional associations to facilitate the implementation of the evolved RRR process by respectively: (1) Ensuring the passing of observational user requirements and information on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas to INFCOM; (2) Promoting studies on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas, and providing the results from such studies to INFCOM together with information on relevant technological innovations; (3) Ensuring the provision of regional observational requirements into the RRR process through the WMO Application Area Points of Contact;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests also the president of SERCOM, the Chair of the Research Board, and the presidents of regional associations to facilitate the implementation of the evolved RRR process by respectively: (1) Ensuring the passing of observational user requirements and information on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas to INFCOM; (2) Promoting studies on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas, and providing the results from such studies to INFCOM together with information on relevant technological innovations; (3) Ensuring the provision of regional observational requirements into the RRR process through the WMO Application Area Points of Contact;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)


C/RB - Chair of the Research Board


Requests also the president of SERCOM, the Chair of the Research Board, and the presidents of regional associations to facilitate the implementation of the evolved RRR process by respectively: (1) Ensuring the passing of observational user requirements and information on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas to INFCOM; (2) Promoting studies on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas, and providing the results from such studies to INFCOM together with information on relevant technological innovations; (3) Ensuring the provision of regional observational requirements into the RRR process through the WMO Application Area Points of Contact;

Session deadline

Resolution 18 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160) (2023)




Urges Members to collaborate with INFCOM and contribute to the evolved RRR process by providing expertise on observational user requirements, observing system capabilities and by conducting studies on the impact of observations on WMO Application Areas and providing the results from such studies to INFCOM.

Session deadline

Resolution 19 (Cg-19) - Expansion of the HelpDesk approach to inform water resources management (2023)




(1) To report regularly to the Executive Council through C/HCP on the progress of its implementation, usage information of the HelpDesk as well as information about benefits to Members; (2) To work with the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Water Convention and other potential partners to synergize efforts and secure funding to resource the activities of the HelpDesk in the Secretariat.
Resolution 19 (EC-76) - Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165) in all WMO official languages; (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant documents;

Session deadline

Resolution 19 (EC-76) - Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems to further develop and enhance the Guide with additional material as it becomes available in accordance with Resolution 9 (EC-73) – Plan for the WIGOS Initial Operational Phase (2020–2023);

Session deadline

Resolution 20 (Cg-19) - High Level Guidance on the Evolution of Global Observing Systems during the period 2023–2027 in response to the Vision for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) in 2040 (2023)




to keep the HLG under review and adopt updates as needed;
Resolution 20 (Cg-19) - High Level Guidance on the Evolution of Global Observing Systems during the period 2023–2027 in response to the Vision for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) in 2040 (2023)




to support and monitor the implementation of this resolution within their regions;
Resolution 20 (Cg-19) - High Level Guidance on the Evolution of Global Observing Systems during the period 2023–2027 in response to the Vision for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) in 2040 (2023)




(1) Monitor implementation of this resolution by Members; (2) Consider whether and how specific priority actions from the HLG could be turned into new or updated technical regulations; (3) Propose update of the HLG to the Executive Council to reflect evolution of end user requirements and of observing technology;
Resolution 20 (Cg-19) - High Level Guidance on the Evolution of Global Observing Systems during the period 2023–2027 in response to the Vision for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) in 2040 (2023)




to: (1) Publish the HLG and its Executive Summary in all WMO languages and bring it to the attention of Members and identified agents; (2) Strengthen effective coordination with relevant WMO partners and stakeholders on matters related to the implementation of priority actions of the HLG.
Resolution 20 (EC-76) - Guide to the Global Basic Observing Network (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems to further develop and enhance the Guide with additional material as it becomes available;

Session deadline

Resolution 20 (EC-76) - Guide to the Global Basic Observing Network (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To make necessary arrangements for the inclusion of the Guide to GBON as a new Chapter of the Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165), (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant documents; (3) To publish the Guide to GBON in all WMO official languages;

Session deadline

Resolution 21 (Cg-19) - GBON Implementation (2023)




to provide guidance to INFCOM on how to fill the identified gaps, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders inclusive of development partners;
Resolution 21 (Cg-19) - GBON Implementation (2023)




to support the implementation of GBON by providing regional or sub-regional technical coordination to Members;
Resolution 21 (Cg-19) - GBON Implementation (2023)




(1) To request the SOFF Steering Committee to explore opportunities to provide SOFF investment and compliance support to Middle Income Countries in need while continue prioritizing Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States; (2) To communicate with and call on bilateral and multilateral development partners for their cooperation and funding in closing GBON gaps.
Resolution 21 (Cg-19) - GBON Implementation (2023)




(1) To continue to develop the technical guidelines, processes and procedures needed to ensure the expedient and efficient implementation of GBON, to prepare for the effective performance and compliance monitoring of GBON, and report to the Executive Council; (2) To keep GBON compliance under review, and to regularly report to the Executive Council; (3) To develop guidance material on how to address GBON high density recommendations where capability exists respectively1;
Resolution 21 (EC-76) - Update of the Guide to Aircraft-based Observations (WMO-No. 1200) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to make arrangements for publication and translation as resources permit, of the updated guide;

Session deadline

Resolution 21 (EC-76) - Update of the Guide to Aircraft-based Observations (WMO-No. 1200) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Further requests INFCOM to continue to maintain the guide and ensure its review and update on a regular basis.

Session deadline

Resolution 22 (Cg-19) - WMO Standard Vocabulary (2023)




to provide sufficient resources with the appropriate expertise, and to include the development of the WMO Standard Vocabulary into their workplans for the next financial period;
Resolution 22 (Cg-19) - WMO Standard Vocabulary (2023)




to take the lead and coordinate the development of the WMO Standard Vocabulary, in cooperation with SERCOM, RB and HCP;
Resolution 22 (Cg-19) - WMO Standard Vocabulary (2023)




(1) To provide the necessary technical assistance and Secretariat support for the development and maintenance of the WMO Standard Vocabulary; (2) To consider allocating resources from the regular budget for the development and maintenance of the WMO Standard Vocabulary, including technical tools; (3) To initiate long-term planning, including the necessary allocation of resources, for the development and maintenance of the WMO Standard Vocabulary tools in all official WMO languages, for the operational sustainability of these tools, and for the regular review and update of the WMO Standard Vocabulary;
Resolution 22 (EC-76) - Publication and translation of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM to further update the Guide, as appropriate, thus providing Members with the up-to-date guidelines on instruments and methods of observation.

Session deadline

Resolution 22 (EC-76) - Publication and translation of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) in all WMO official languages by the end of the current financial period; (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant documents;

Session deadline

Resolution 23 (Cg-19) - Climate Data Management in the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)


SERCOM in close collaboration with INFCOM


to draft a new section on climate services for inclusion in Part IV, Volume I of the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49);
Resolution 23 (Cg-19) - Climate Data Management in the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)




to support INFCOM in refining understanding of Member’s needs relating to climate data management, determining the priority of which climate and hydrology data should be managed within OpenCDMS, and the means that data should be made available for use in products and services.
Resolution 23 (Cg-19) - Climate Data Management in the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)


INFCOM in close collaboration with SERCOM


to harmonize the technical regulations and guidance related to climate data and observations across the Manual on High-quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate (WMO-No. 1238), the Manual on the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1060), the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160), the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and other related technical regulations and guidance;
Resolution 23 (EC-76) - Update of the Guide to the WMO Information System (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM to develop WIS metadata KPIs and a related process for continuous improvement of WIS catalogue discovery effectiveness in the context of the implementation of WIS 2.0.

Session deadline

Resolution 24 (Cg-19) - Hydrological Data Management in the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)




(1) To invite other international and regional organizations to cooperate with WMO to contribute to WHYCOS and the HydroHub implementation, and to make use of its achievements; (2) To provide all possible support to WHYCOS and the HydroHub development from available resources and to seek additional resources for this purpose from external sources.
Resolution 24 (EC-76) - Update of the Manual on Codes (2023)




Encourages Members on exchanging data with the endorsed CF-NetCDF format;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 25 (Cg-19) - Technical Regulations of the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)




(1) To develop the procedures for the designation of WIS 2.0 Global Services operation and subsequent reviews of their performance for publication in the updated Manual and Guide to WIS. (2) To study the technological advancements relating to "data-in-place" approaches and their application to data sharing within the WMO Community and develop recommendations pertinent to the future evolution of WIS and WIPPS, including on mechanisms for engagement of cloud infrastructure providers in the evolution. (3) To develop, in collaboration with the Capacity Development Panel, the necessary capacity development activities for Members to achieve WIS 2.0 Implementation.
Resolution 26 (Cg-19) - WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS) (2023)




to continue to oversee the implementation of WIPPS and report on progress;
Resolution 27 (Cg-19) - Amendments to the Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 485) in alignment with WMO Unified Data Policy (2023)




(1) To provide clear definitions on “mandatory products” and “highly recommended products”, and other terminologies as needed, in the Manual on the GDPFS; (2) To, jointly with the Executive Council, develop a competency framework for use of high-resolution NWP and implementing limited-area NWP systems with reference to the guidelines on high-resolution NWP;
Resolution 28 (Cg-19) - Update of the Mechanism for recognition of long-term observing stations  (2023)


TCs, RB, RAs, Members


to collaborate on the above complementary elements to the WMO recognition mechanism for long-term observing stations;
Resolution 28 (Cg-19) - Update of the Mechanism for recognition of long-term observing stations  (2023)




to lead the over-all coordination of the Recognition Mechanism for long-term observing stations;
Resolution 28 (Cg-19) - Update of the Mechanism for recognition of long-term observing stations  (2023)


Secretariat to liaise with the P/SERCOM and P/INFCOM, Chair of the HCP, Co-Chairs of the Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board and the C/RB


to nominate experts from the marine and hydrological communities in the ad hoc Advisory Board for the Recognition of Long-Term Observing Stations;
Resolution 28 (Cg-19) - Update of the Mechanism for recognition of long-term observing stations  (2023)




to further promote among Members the WMO recognition mechanism for long-term observing stations.
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


JCB - Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board


Requests the JCB to continue working across WMO and IOC to identify and promote priority implementation actions in support of the WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Also requests the Secretary-General to publish the above strategy and to provide the necessary secretariat support for the JCB to implement; Further requests the Secretary-General to facilitate the development of a WMO Ocean Implementation Plan to focus on the varied ocean activities at WMO, in alignment with the WMO Strategic and Operational Plans, and as a follow-up to the WMO Ocean Collaborative Framework (Resolution 65 (Cg-18));

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests SERCOM, INFCOM, the Research Board, regional associations, the Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant subsidiary body, to identify priority implementation actions in support of developing a Draft WMO Ocean Implementation Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests SERCOM, INFCOM, the Research Board, regional associations, the Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant subsidiary body, to identify priority implementation actions in support of developing a Draft WMO Ocean Implementation Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


RB - Research Board


Requests SERCOM, INFCOM, the Research Board, regional associations, the Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant subsidiary body, to identify priority implementation actions in support of developing a Draft WMO Ocean Implementation Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests SERCOM, INFCOM, the Research Board, regional associations, the Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant subsidiary body, to identify priority implementation actions in support of developing a Draft WMO Ocean Implementation Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)


CDP - Capacity Development Panel


Requests SERCOM, INFCOM, the Research Board, regional associations, the Capacity Development Panel and any other relevant subsidiary body, to identify priority implementation actions in support of developing a Draft WMO Ocean Implementation Plan;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-73) - WMO-IOC Collaborative Strategy  (2021)




Invites Members concerned to: (1) Consider nationally focussed ocean activities, collaborating across multiple agencies with a regional co-operation approach [S. Tajbakhsh Mosalman]. (2) Contribute to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021–2030.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-76) - Establishment of the Compliance Review Process for Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) (2023)




Urges Members hosting RSMCs to check whether they meet all requirements as stated in the Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 485);

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 28 (EC-76) - Establishment of the Compliance Review Process for Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Request the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems, in collaboration with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications and RSMCs, to complete the first round of the compliance review of all RSMCs by Cg-20 (2027);

Session deadline

Resolution 28 (EC-76) - Establishment of the Compliance Review Process for Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Request the Secretary-General: (1) To take the necessary steps to insert the Guide on Compliance Review Process for RSMCs into the renewed Guide to the Global Data-processing System (GDPS) (WMO-No. 305) as provided in the annex of the draft Resolution 3.2(10)/1 (EC-76); (2) To support SC-ESMP and designated expert groups with the resources needed to fulfil their compliance review tasks.

Session deadline

Resolution 29 (Cg-19) - Updated List of WMO Centennial Observing Stations (2023)




to update the list of Centennial observing stations;
Resolution 29 (EC-76) - Renewal of the Guide on the Global Data-processing System (WMO-No. 305) (2023)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the president of INFCOM to further update the Guide to the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 305) reflecting the amendments to the Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No. 485) approved at EC-76 and Cg-19,

Session deadline

Resolution 30 (Cg-19) - Improving Climate Observations (2023)




to facilitate the implementation of the relevant actions provided in the annex to this Resolution – WMO/NMHS Supplement to the 2022 GCOS Implementation Plan;
Resolution 30 (Cg-19) - Improving Climate Observations (2023)




to support Members in addressing the relevant actions provided in the annex to this Resolution – WMO/NMHS Supplement to the 2022 GCOS Implementation Plan;
Resolution 30 (EC-73) - Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS)  (2021)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM, the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) and the Research Board to integrate in their respective work programmes the technical, operational, and research priorities and activities previously under the remit of EC-PHORS; Also requests INFCOM, SERCOM and the Research Board to develop together a roadmap for science-to-services from the Polar Prediction Project of WWRP, leading to the integration of its outcomes via the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and on identifying new research priorities, including by contributing to the vision to be developed by the Science Advisory Panel;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 30 (EC-73) - Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS)  (2021)


SERCOM - Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications


Requests INFCOM, the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) and the Research Board to integrate in their respective work programmes the technical, operational, and research priorities and activities previously under the remit of EC-PHORS; Also requests INFCOM, SERCOM and the Research Board to develop together a roadmap for science-to-services from the Polar Prediction Project of WWRP, leading to the integration of its outcomes via the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and on identifying new research priorities, including by contributing to the vision to be developed by the Science Advisory Panel;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 30 (EC-73) - Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS)  (2021)


RB - Research Board


Requests INFCOM, the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) and the Research Board to integrate in their respective work programmes the technical, operational, and research priorities and activities previously under the remit of EC-PHORS; Also requests INFCOM, SERCOM and the Research Board to develop together a roadmap for science-to-services from the Polar Prediction Project of WWRP, leading to the integration of its outcomes via the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and on identifying new research priorities, including by contributing to the vision to be developed by the Science Advisory Panel;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 30 (EC-73) - Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS)  (2021)


EC-PHORS - Panel on Polar and High Mountain observations, research, and services


Requests EC-PHORS: (1) To submit to the Executive Council recommendations on an effective role to oversee, coordinate and monitor how polar and high-mountain observations, research, services and policies are developed and implemented within and externally to WMO, to ensure that WMO continues to play a meaningful role on these matters; (2) To submit to the Policy Advisory Committee (as per schedule in EC-73/Doc. 5.3) recommendations informing the WMO strategic objectives for 2024-2027 on specific priorities for polar and high mountain regions, as developed with input from other WMO bodies and reflecting the necessary strategic engagements;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 30 (EC-73) - Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS)  (2021)




Invites Members: (1) To nominate candidates for members of EC-PHORS, at a level reflective of their polar (Arctic, Antarctic) and high-mountain strategic priorities and goals, (2) To contribute to the development of EC-PHORS strategic recommendations to the Executive Council and the Policy Advisory Committee, by reflecting their Arctic, Antarctica, and high-mountain priorities, aligned with the WMO strategic goals;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 30 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Manual on Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) (WMO-No. 485) jointly proposed by INFCOM and SERCOM (2023)


P/INFCOM - President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests the president of INFCOM to validate the UK submission, once the United Kingdom Met Office is able to share the required products, to ensure it meets the criteria as set out in the application and submit to a future Executive Council for final approval,

Session deadline

Resolution 31 (Cg-19) - WMO Position on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) Agenda (2023)




to pursue the continuous review of regulatory and technical matters related to radio frequencies for operational and research meteorological and related environmental activities, and preparation of guidance and information for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, in coordination with other technical commissions especially the Infrastructure Commission Standing Committee responsible for Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT), and in liaison with other relevant international bodies, in particular the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites;
Resolution 31 (Cg-19) - WMO Position on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) Agenda (2023)




to coordinate contributions of relevant experts to the work of relevant regional telecommunication organizations and of ITU-R, especially ITU-R Study Groups 5 and 7 on Terrestrial (including radiolocation) and Science Services, respectively;
Resolution 31 (Cg-19) - WMO Position on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) Agenda (2023)




(1) To bring the present Resolution to the attention of all concerned, including the International Telecommunication Union; (2) To pursue as a matter of high priority the coordination role of the Secretariat in radio-frequency matters, especially with ITU-R, including participation of WMO in ITU-R Radiocommunication Study Groups, conference preparatory meetings and World Radiocommunication Conferences; (3) To support the engagement between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and their national radiocommunication administrations, particularly in preparing for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences, by providing appropriate information and documentation; (4) To assist the Infrastructure Commission in the implementation of the present Resolution.
Resolution 31 (EC-76) - Publication and translation of the Guide to Operational Weather Radar Best Practices (WMO-No. ##) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the Guide to Operational Weather Radar Best Practices in all WMO official languages by the end of the current financial period; (2) To ensure the editorial consistency of the relevant volumes; (3) To identify resources to translate the Guide into all WMO languages from within the regular budget and/or voluntary contributions;

Session deadline

Resolution 31 (EC-76) - Publication and translation of the Guide to Operational Weather Radar Best Practices (WMO-No. ##) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM to further update and amend the Guide, as appropriate, thus providing Members with the up-to-date guidelines on operational weather radars, and maintaining consistency with the content of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) and other relevant WMO publications.

Session deadline

Resolution 32 (Cg-19) - Implementation Plan of the World Weather Research Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




to support the launch and implementation of the projects to enhance weather-related research, including those which address the importance of research education in support of the WMO Strategic Plan for 2024–2027;
Resolution 32 (Cg-19) - Implementation Plan of the World Weather Research Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




to provide the necessary support for LDCs and SIDS to enhance research for improved service delivery;
Resolution 32 (Cg-19) - Implementation Plan of the World Weather Research Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




to support the implementation of the plan, to allocate the necessary resources to ensure its success and to facilitate the cooperation of WWRP with the other research programmes, the technical commissions, regional associations and external partners.
Resolution 32 (EC-76) - Towards a change of radiation references (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM and the World Radiation Centre to develop all the necessary procedures to enable a change of references (including required changes to WMO regulatory material), for the establishment and maintenance of a transfer standard group for dissemination of the reference to regional and/or national standard instruments, as well as for overseeing the stability of the new reference instruments; Requests further INFCOM to follow the metrology best practices for planning the change of references, collaborating with the metrology community as needed, and ensuring that the new references are properly characterized and described;

Session deadline

Resolution 32 (EC-76) - Towards a change of radiation references (2023)




Requests INFCOM and the World Radiation Centre to develop all the necessary procedures to enable a change of references (including required changes to WMO regulatory material), for the establishment and maintenance of a transfer standard group for dissemination of the reference to regional and/or national standard instruments, as well as for overseeing the stability of the new reference instruments; Calls on the World Radiation Centre, radiation centres, and the metrology and research communities: (1) To publish the uncertainty budget of proposed solar and terrestrial reference instruments in the peer-reviewed literature; (2) To perform intercomparisons of these instruments to demonstrate their performances and the stability of the proposed new references; and (3) To develop other independent realizations of the solar irradiance reference and/or a second instrument of the same design as CSAR/MITRA to mitigate risks linked with a technical failure of one single instrument.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 33 (Cg-19) - Science and Implementation Plan of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




to support the launch and implementation of the activities to enhance atmospheric composition-related research in support of the WMO Strategic Plan for 2024–2027;
Resolution 33 (Cg-19) - Science and Implementation Plan of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




(1) To encourage Members to participate and contribute to GAW activities in the Regions; (2) To provide the necessary support to Members to support activities at regional calibration and training centres related to the composition of the atmosphere in the Regions.
Resolution 33 (Cg-19) - Science and Implementation Plan of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme for the period 2024–2027 (2023)




(1) To support the implementation of the plan, to allocate the necessary resources to ensure its success and to facilitate the cooperation of GAW with the other research programmes, the technical commissions, the regional associations and external partners; (2) To adopt all the provisions and mobilize the necessary resources for the execution of the GAW Programme; (3) To assist Members to participate in GAW, in particular by assisting in building the necessary capacity to participate in these activities when necessary;
Resolution 33 (EC-76) - Strategy for the Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology 2024–2027 (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate action to facilitate the activities identified in the VLab Strategy 2024–2027 in partnership with WMO Members and CGMS satellite operators.

Session deadline

Resolution 34 (Cg-19) - Revised Terms of Reference of the Research Board (2023)




to provide oversight on the work of the Research Board
Resolution 34 (Cg-19) - Revised Terms of Reference of the Research Board (2023)


TCs and RAs


to continue collaboration and to build with the Research Board a strong coordination mechanism to ensure optimal alignment between operational priorities and required research, innovation and development;
Resolution 34 (Cg-19) - Revised Terms of Reference of the Research Board (2023)




to provide the support needed for the Research Board to fulfil its mandate, to notify all concerned of this resolution and to prepare updated Research Board Rules of Procedure for approval by the Executive Council (Annex 1 to Resolution 12 (EC-72))
Resolution 34 (EC-76) - Implementation plan update of the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)




Urges Members: (1) To consider the WIS 2.0 in their future technical and financial plans to ensure its implementation according to the “WMO Information System 2.0 implementation plan update” in the annex; (2) To support WIS 2.0 implementation through secondments and additional funding to the WIS Trust Fund.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 34 (EC-76) - Implementation plan update of the WMO Information System 2.0 (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary General to publish guidance and organize training with the support of the Regional Training Centres and the Global Information System Centres to facilitate Members who will encounter difficulties in the ownership and implementation of WIS 2.0.

Session deadline

Resolution 35 (Cg-19) - Scientific Advisory Panel Recommendations with Research Board Appraisal (2023)




to regularly review and provide direction regarding the further development and advancement of the SAP recommendations;
Resolution 35 (EC-76) - WMO Hydrology Observation System (WHOS) Operational Implementation (2023)




Urges Members to support the implementation of WHOS within their territories and basin organizations where they have membership for Hydrological data exchange.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 35 (EC-76) - WMO Hydrology Observation System (WHOS) Operational Implementation (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


(1) INFCOM to finalize the 2024–2029 WHOS operational plan (see INFCOM-2/INF. 6.3.1(2)) ensuring alignment on the data exchange activities with the WIS 2.0 Implementation plan reported in the annex to 3.2(19)/1 (EC-76); (2) INFCOM to report to EC-77 on the progress on the exchange of hydrology data through WIS 2.0;

Session deadline

Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS) (2023)




(1) Publish the WCDF in all WMO official languages; (2) Support appropriate communication actions to promote the WCDF through the WMO website and other appropriate channels; (3) Ensure resources for the continuity of such communication activities allowing Members to share good practices and lessons learned in implementing capacity development activities; (4) Ensure there is clarity of the roles and responsibilities of, and coordination between, the different actors involved in Capacity Development activities within the WMO programmes and within the framework of third-party activities in which the WMO is involved.
Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS) (2023)




to keep the WCDF under review in view of the rapidly changing capacity development landscape, and propose updates and adjustments as necessary;
Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS) (2023)




to report to EC on the uptake and use of the WCDF
Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS) (2023)




to promote the provisions of the WCDF in their respective planning and implementation activities;
Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS) (2023)




to pay particular attention to the need for continuous capacity assessment of their Members, as established by the WCDF, in order to identify priority needs and record progress of bridging capacity gaps through capacity development actions in their respective regions;
Resolution 36 (EC-76) - Regional Marine Instrument Centres – Updated Terms of Reference, governance and assessment process (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to arrange for the publication of the updated Terms of Reference for RMICs and of the Process in the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) and website; Requests further the Secretary-General of WMO to facilitate implementation of this recommendation and to provide appropriate technical advisory assistance to Members/Member States concerned as required;

Session deadline

Resolution 36 (EC-76) - Regional Marine Instrument Centres – Updated Terms of Reference, governance and assessment process (2023)




Requests Members hosting RMICs to abide by those Terms of Reference and to collaborate with the WMO Secretariat in the development of the relevant RMIC webpages, similar to the Regional Instrument Centres webpages to advertise their services to Members/Member States; Requests the regional associations, respective Members and INFCOM to follow the RMICs Process for all new nominations of RMICs, and for assessment and periodic reconfirmation of existing RMICs;

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 36 (EC-76) - Regional Marine Instrument Centres – Updated Terms of Reference, governance and assessment process (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM to work in consultation with IOC when establishing new RMICs and their evaluation process; Requests the regional associations, respective Members and INFCOM to follow the RMICs Process for all new nominations of RMICs, and for assessment and periodic reconfirmation of existing RMICs; Requests INFCOM: (1) To ensure that the RMIC-related content(s) of the WMO regulatory and guidance publications are reviewed and updated regularly, based on feedback from Members, advances in technology and evolving priorities for the Organization; (2) To consult with the WMO regional associations and UNESCO/IOC, and their relevant working groups or other entities responsible for the coordination of relevant activities within the Regions, on all matters related to RMIC implementation; (3) To explore synergies and possible rationalization of instrument-/calibration-related regional centres, towards improved and more effective services to Members; (4) To further develop the RMICs Process as standard and recommended practices and procedures of the WMO Technical Regulations, Volume I – General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices (WMO-No. 49), in collaboration with Regional Associations and in consultation with UNESCO/IOC to further harmonize practices related to designation, compliance and auditing of WMO-designated centres; (5) To review the requirements for reporting by RMICs with a view to balancing the resources expended on reporting, with the resources necessary to benefit Members.

Session deadline

Resolution 36 (EC-76) - Regional Marine Instrument Centres – Updated Terms of Reference, governance and assessment process (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


Requests the regional associations, respective Members and INFCOM to follow the RMICs Process for all new nominations of RMICs, and for assessment and periodic reconfirmation of existing RMICs; Requests further the regional associations to examine the need and explore ways, in consultation with UNESCO/IOC, for beneficial use of the available RMIC services by their Members;
Resolution 37 (Cg-19) - Education and Training (2023)




to implement the updated Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) and Meteorological Technicians (BIP-MT) as described in the Guide to the Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology, Volume I – Meteorology (WMO-No. 1083)
Resolution 37 (Cg-19) - Education and Training (2023)


RTCs and Education and Training Collaborating Partners


to: (1) Make their facilities and relevant resources available to support the development and delivery of WMO training activities on Early Warnings for All, Impact-based forecasting, Greenhouse Gas Initiative, new generation satellites, leadership and management development, specific train the trainers courses to ensure implementation of WMO initiatives and programmes, among others; (2) Increase the use of distance-learning and blended-learning techniques, using technologies available to them; (3) Develop partnerships with academic institutions and professional and scientific associations, for exchange of relevant information and human resources with the aim of enhancing research and development for the benefit of Service delivery and exchange of academic staff; and make relevant training resources on education and training available as open access for others to use, particularly under the aegis of WMO Global Campus and working with the Consortium of WMO Education and Training Collaborating Partners; (4) [BCT]Use the WMO Capacity Development Framework (WCDF) [Secretariat ref. approved 4.4(1)] as a guiding tool in identifying training needs and planning education and training programmes;
Resolution 37 (Cg-19) - Education and Training (2023)




(1) Provide Secretariat with the necessary support for the activities related to the Consortium of WMO Education and Training Collaborating Partners; (2) Initiate a review of the existing process for designation and reconfirmation of WMO RTCs and related WMO Centres with the aim of enhancing the standards and efficiency of these institutions and support them in resource mobilization endeavours; (3) Render advisory services to WMO RTCs and Education and Training Collaborating Partners on training related matters concerning services on weather, water and climate, related environmental, related social sciences, and [Guyana] policy and development; (4) To consider, within the framework of building on the achievements of WMO Education and Training Programme (ETRP), especially under the Early Warnings for All Initiative and other strategic initiatives when necessary, and also under the aegis of WMO reform, inter alia focus on the following key activity-areas, namely: (a) Develop suitable and sustainable [BCT] [Guyana] programs and projects in support of the [Guyana] capacity of Members to develop appropriate early warning initiatives for saving lives and property, and promote [Guyana] socioeconomic benefits; (b) Enhancement of leadership and management skills of managers of NMHSs through development of learning resources, organization of Permanent Representative Familiarization visits, leadership and management training, and by ensuring collaboration at subregional and regional levels in these endeavours; (c) Develop suitable programmes and projects in support of the Members appropriate capacity development [Barbados] initiatives according to the WMO Strategic Plan, such as Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure and the implementation of additional outputs associated with ongoing changes in the cryosphere and downstream impacts on water resources and sea level rise; (d) Survey the human resources capacity in NMHSs as well as assess the new and emerging education and training needs [Guyana]; (e) Further develop and implement, as needed, the [Guyana] WMO Competency frameworks and continuous development learning resources in support of NMHSs staff competencies to deliver service and work with partners to ensure effective application; (5) To further expand [Barbados] the current WMO fellowship system to include more Members from SIDS and LDCs in particular Members that are involved with the EW4ALL Initiative [Barbados]. (6) Put in place mechanisms that will better enable twinning between NMHS and RTCs of LDCs and SIDS, and with well advanced NMHS and RTCs, to build capacity in early warning practices and systems, and education and training exchange opportunities in order to promote and achieve sustainable outcomes in capacity and institutional development [BCT].
Resolution 37 (Cg-19) - Education and Training (2023)




(1) To guide and support the work of WMO on education and training in the development of human capacity on Early Warnings for All and other strategic initiatives such as Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure and the implementation of additional outputs associated with ongoing changes in the cryosphere and downstream impacts on water resources and sea level rise, Impact-based Forecasts and other initiatives; (2) To support development and delivery of education and training activities by contributing to development of learning resources and by rendering the necessary expertise in delivering education and training events. (3) To work with the Capacity Development Panel to ensure that WMO education and training initiatives, and the connections between them, are well managed and that emerging needs are considered.
Resolution 37 (Cg-19) - Education and Training (2023)




to evaluate the progress of the e-learning projects in order to set up an integrated capacity development system, adapted to the regional specifications.
Resolution 37 (EC-76) - Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) (2023)




Urges Members hosting RICs without accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 to do their utmost to achieve the accreditation, prior to the next regular Congress,

Session deadline

Resolution 37 (EC-76) - Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) (2023)


RAs - Regional Associations


Invites regional associations to conduct, in collaboration with INFCOM, a survey of WMO Members on their needs for RIC services, and on the utilization and satisfaction of the current offered RIC services, prior to the next ordinary Congress; Requests regional associations: (1) To take appropriate measures to ensure that their existing RICs are fully complaint with the Terms of Reference; (2) To reconfirm their RICs, taking into account the recommendations from INFCOM; Requests the regional associations, the respective Members and INFCOM to follow the RICs Process for all new nominations of RICs and for the assessment and periodic reconfirmation of existing RICs; [from Resolution 17 (EC-73)]

Session deadline

Resolution 37 (EC-76) - Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) (2023)


INFCOM - Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems


Requests INFCOM: (1) To perform regular technical evaluation of RIC performances and assessment of RIC applications; (2) To arrange for audits of all non-accredited RICs, prior to the next ordinary Congress; (3) To explore synergies and possible harmonization of the different types of instrument-related centres, towards improved services to Members; Requests further INFCOM, in collaboration with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) and the Research Board, to harmonize practices related to designation of WMO Global and Regional Centres, and for the publication of their Terms of Reference; Requests INFCOM, in collaboration with the regional associations, to further develop the RICs audit process to be in line with the standard and recommended practices and procedures described in the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I. Further requests INFCOM, in collaboration with the Executive Council Capacity Development Panel, to further develop training material for the reinforcement of capacities of Members in instrument maintenance, including in the maintenance of automatic weather observing systems (AWOS), in line with the standard and recommended practices and procedures described in the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I.

Session deadline

Resolution 38 (Cg-19) - Other Capacity Development Matters (2023)




to: (1) Continue with the mobilization of required resources in support of Early Warnings for All Initiative; (2) Encourage regional and sub-regional cooperation, to achieve the outcomes needed for capacity development; (3) Promote collaboration between Voluntary Cooperation Programme partners in support of resource mobilization for NMHSs; (4) Promote mentoring through the engagement of volunteers in exchange programmes between NMHSs; (5) Promote policy-related actions that governments could consider for enhancing the socio-economic benefit of NMHSs to the populace; (6) Develop guidance material for assistance to interested stakeholders in matching research needs, appropriate regional, sub-regional, and national expertise, and funding opportunities; (7) Maintain an up-to-date overview of ongoing projects and programmes with the aim of enhancing collaboration between implementing partners; (8) Prioritize the implementation of tailored capacity development programs that address the specific needs of the Members with respect to their unique characteristics and capabilities, to build Members sustainable independency.
Resolution 38 (Cg-19) - Other Capacity Development Matters (2023)




to: (1) Align their respective capacity development efforts with the WMO Capacity Development Strategy, with a view of ensuring an organization-wide coherency of approach to commensurate projects and activities; (2) Conduct a survey of available infrastructure for supporting service delivery from the perspective of their respective operational domains; (3) Identify what and how each of them can contribute to the research-to-operation continuum, including approaches to the promotion of capacity development and service capabilities at the regional level; (4) Promote resource mobilization initiatives in coordination with the Secretariat; (5) Provide the necessary technical support on the implementation of the Early Warnings for All Initiative.
Resolution 38 (EC-76) - Report of the Joint Study Group on the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) (2023)




Further Urges Members to consider supporting the GCOS programme either financially or with in-kind contributions.

Session deadline

No Deadline
Resolution 38 (EC-76) - Report of the Joint Study Group on the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General (1) To prepare a revised GCOS Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the co-sponsors for approval by the Executive Council, based upon the draft MoU contained in the Joint Study Group Report, as recommended in High-level Recommendations 1 and 5 in the annex to this resolution; (2) To continue contributing to the Climate Observing System Fund (COSF) and encourage the other GCOS co-sponsors to make their commitments (financial or/and in-kind) in order to ensure the basic resources for the operation of the GCOS secretariat, as recommended in Recommendation 14 in the annex to this resolution;

Session deadline

Resolution 39 (Cg-19) - WMO Gender action plan for the nineteenth financial period  (2023)




to: (1) Oversee the implementation of the Action Plan and the 2024–2027 priorities; (2) Review the WMO Gender Equality Policy adopted by Resolution 59 (Cg-17) and submit update, if needed, to Congress;
Resolution 39 (Cg-19) - WMO Gender action plan for the nineteenth financial period  (2023)




to: (1) Include a gender focal point within the regional association’s working structure, and include within their ToRs the task to downscale the Action Plan to the regional and national levels by analysing its applicability and relevance, identifying regional needs and priorities, and coordinating regional implementation; (2) Raise Members’ awareness of gender equality issues and actions pertaining to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and strengthen their capacity for the implementation of the Action Plan; (3) Facilitate diverse and balanced expert networks, maintain dialogues, and promote communication through related activities such as regular meetings and discussions, building a community of practices in terms of gender and regional representation; (4) Report to the Executive Council and to Congress on progress; (5) Ensure the appointment of focal point for the coordination of gender activities at the regional level;
Resolution 39 (Cg-19) - WMO Gender action plan for the nineteenth financial period  (2023)


SERCOM, INFCOM, RB, other relevant WMO bodies


to: (1) Continue implementing the Action Plan within their areas of responsibility; (2) Keep the strong efforts on building and nurturing networks of women scientists and technical experts as well as invest in their capacity; (3) To share the results of these efforts with members through presentations or case studies; (4) Ensure regional and gender balance and inclusiveness in all structures and work plans as provided in their terms of reference; (5) Report to the Executive Council and to Congress on progress;
Resolution 39 (Cg-19) - WMO Gender action plan for the nineteenth financial period  (2023)




to: (1) Continue leading the implementation of the Gender Action Plan, monitor progress and report to the Executive Council and to Congress; (2) Support constituent bodies and Members, as needed, and with appropriate guidance materials, in the implementation of the Action Plan and the 2024–2027 priorities identified; (3) Maintain statistics on the gender composition of all bodies and structures to inform policies and decision-making.
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




to revise the rules of procedure of the technical commissions, as suggested, to facilitate more balanced representation at the regional, gender as well as developmental level in leadership positions of the technical commissions and promote gender equality
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)


technical commissions


to adopt good practices, as per the guidance contained in document Cg-19/INF. 4.5(2a), to promote and facilitate a balanced representation and to promote gender equality in leadership roles and technical experts at the regional, gender as well as developmental level in their subsidiary bodies and activities;
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




to: (a) keep under review, and revise as necessary, the principles for the organization of physical and virtual sessions; and (b) continue overseeing the planning and allocation of resources for the organization of sessions of constituent bodies, additional bodies and subsidiary bodies in accordance with the General Regulations and the relevant rules of procedure;
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




to reflect the directives of the Executive Council as to the organization of sessions in the WMO Operating Plan.
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




(a) To identify its relevant subsidiary bodies dealing with governance, strategic planning, programme and budget matters in which Members could participate in line with conditions for attendance established in the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256); (b) To develop procedures for the live streaming to the public of sessions of constituent bodies, ensuring alignment with the practice of United Nations system organizations; (c) To pilot live streaming from 2024; (d) To formulate, based on lessons learned, common principles and include them in the relevant rules of procedure;
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




to ensure the availability of adequate conditions for the inclusion by virtual means of the experts nominated in the Expert Network in sessions and activities of their subsidiary bodies and technical/scientific events. Such practice is intended to facilitate broader engagement of Members' and institutional experts and representation of different levels of technical capacity and capacity development in the work of the commissions;
Resolution 40 (Cg-19) - Measures to Foster Inclusive, Transparent and Environmentally Sustainable Governance (2023)




(a) To ensure Members are informed, through the WMO website, circular letters or physical and virtual briefings of: (i) the outcomes, including reports, of sessions of constituent bodies and additional bodies; (ii) proposals for amending the Technical, General, Financial and Staff Regulations for consideration of Congress; and (iii) related scheduled sessions, agendas and documentation; (b) To ensure the presidents/chairs of constituent and other bodies are informed of the activities and recommendations of other constituent bodies and relevant United Nations' and other international organizations;
Resolution 40 (EC-76) - Review of Regional Offices and Regional Structures (2023)




Urges Members to continue supporting and playing an active role in the implementation of WMO Reform in their respective regions.

Session deadline

Resolution 40 (EC-76) - Review of Regional Offices and Regional Structures (2023)


PRAs - Presidents of the Regional Associations


Requests the presidents of the regional associations in consultation with Regional Hydrological Advisers to delineate, for each regional association, the respective responsibilities of each regional office to include the levels of support provided to the president and the Regional Hydrological Advisers. Requests further the presidents of the regional associations in consultation with the Regional Hydrological Advisors to identify with the respective regional offices key priorities for implementation, through appropriate plans with performance indicators, and key responsibilities of the regional offices in support of the presidents of the regional association, which should be periodically reviewed to ensure better accountability and monitoring of regional activities and strengthen coordination between the two entities;

Session deadline

Resolution 40 (EC-76) - Review of Regional Offices and Regional Structures (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To provide necessary support to the EC Taskforce on the Comprehensive Review of the WMO Regional Concept and Approaches. (2) To assess as required, the staffing of the Regional and Representative Offices and review the staff profiles and grades including assessment of the financial impact to meet the needs for the functioning of the Regional and Representative Offices within available resources according to the maximum expenditure 2024-2027. (3) To establish a mechanism for the presidents of regional associations (PRAs) and the Regional Hydrological Advisers (RHAs) to have regular interaction with the Regional Offices to agree on priorities and monitor their implementation; (4) To implement modern management techniques such as an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) across the WMO Secretariat to better integrate the planning, monitoring and evaluation of all activities and enable informed decisions on resource prioritization; (5) To assess and strengthen as required the resources provided to the Regional Offices for the specific purpose of enhancing their communication with the region, to support closer contact with Members and raise WMO’s regional visibility within available resources according to the maximum expenditure for 2024-2027 budget. Information materials for Permanent Representatives (PRs) and Hydrological Advisers (HAs), and a well-structured website targeted at Members and the region should be prioritized; (6) To carry out cost benefits analysis including financial feasibility for implementing a staff exchange programme among regional offices and between regional offices and the WMO headquarters and promote sharing a good practices among regional offices and to present outcomes for consideration at the Executive Council (EC-78). (7) To provide the needed support for the WMO regional offices to mobilize resources in the regions while enhancing the partnership.

Session deadline

Resolution 41 (Cg-19) - Actions emanating from the evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)




to review its terms of reference and recommend amendments as needed to the Executive Council;
Resolution 41 (Cg-19) - Actions emanating from the evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)


Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board


to undertake a self-assessment, in line with Resolution 9 (Cg-18) - Joint World Meteorological Organization-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Collaborative Board, review its terms of reference and recommend amendments as needed to the Executive Council;
Resolution 41 (Cg-19) - Actions emanating from the evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)




to oversee this process and adopt any amendments to the terms of reference of the Scientific Advisory Panel and the Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board;
Resolution 41 (Cg-19) - Actions emanating from the evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)




(1) To continue overseeing the implementation of the full scope of recommended actions; (2) To commission an external evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of WMO bodies and structures to inform the decisions of the twentieth session of the World Meteorological Congress; (3) To review and make any recommendations on further improvements to methods of work and procedural processes needed to support the work of the constituent bodies;
Resolution 41 (Cg-19) - Actions emanating from the evaluation of the WMO Governance Reform (2023)




to continue monitoring and reporting on indicators related to the effective and efficient functioning of the WMO governance.
Resolution 41 (EC-76) - Procedures for amending the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), their annexes, Guides and other corresponding nonregulatory publications (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General: (1) To publish the amended Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) including the approved procedure, subject to the approval by Congress of Draft Resolution 6.1/1 (Cg-19) - Amendments to the General and Technical Regulations; (2) To remove General Provisions from the Manuals specified above in the course of amendments of these publications.

Session deadline

Resolution 42 (Cg-19) - WMO technical commissions and additional bodies for the nineteenth financial period (2023)


P/RAs, P/SERCOM, P/INFCOM, C/RB, and the chairs of the other relevant bodies established by Cg and EC


to contribute to review processes and provide recommendations through the appropriate mechanisms of the Executive Council;
Resolution 42 (Cg-19) - WMO technical commissions and additional bodies for the nineteenth financial period (2023)




(a) To incorporate the revised terms of reference of the technical commissions in the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) and to inform all concerned; and (b) To continue providing assistance to the constituent bodies and the additional bodies of the Organization as provided for in the General Regulations and the respective rules of procedure.
Resolution 42 (Cg-19) - WMO technical commissions and additional bodies for the nineteenth financial period (2023)




(a) To continue reviewing the respective authorities and coordinating the relations among the constituent bodies, the additional bodies and their subsidiaries bodies, as well as the Secretariat, with regard to existing processes and mechanisms related to the technical and scientific activities of the Organization, including the process for identifying experts to the constituent and subsidiary bodies, [USA] the identification and programmatic inclusion of Members’ needs and requirements; (b) To submit recommendations for the twentieth financial period to Congress based on the next Strategic Plan and an external evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of WMO bodies;
Resolution 42 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to publish the revised Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240);

Session deadline

Resolution 42 (EC-76) - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) (2023)


PAC - Policy Advisory Committee


Further requests the Policy Advisory Committee, in consultation with the presidents of the commissions, to propose to the seventy-seventh session of the Council further amendments to the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) to promote and facilitate an adequate representation of developing countries in the leadership positions of the commissions.

Session deadline

Resolution 43 (EC-76) - Revised Travel Policy with regard to AOC Members (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to align the WMO travel policy for staff members with the revised travel policy for non-staff members with respect to the transportation expenses, as provided for in section 4 in the annex, and present these to EC-77;

Session deadline

Resolution 44 (Cg-19) - Amendments to the General and Technical Regulations (2023)




to publish the 2023 edition of the Basic Documents No. 1 (WMO-No. 15) and of the Technical Regulations, Volume I (WMO-No. 49) containing the approved amendments as well as make editorial changes in the Technical Regulations to update the names of technical commissions responsible for maintaining regulatory framework and to inform all concerned of this decision;
Resolution 44 (Cg-19) - Amendments to the General and Technical Regulations (2023)




to review the respective rules of procedure and to adjust them as needed, in line with the amended Regulations.
Resolution 45 (EC-76) - Review of previous resolutions and decisions of the Executive Council (2023)


SG - Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization


Requests the Secretary-General to finalize and publish the above publication taking into account any adjustments to current procedures resulting from the consideration of the Governance Reform by the nineteenth session of Congress (Cg-19) and the seventy-seventh session of the Executive Council (EC-77).

Session deadline

Resolution 47 (Cg-19) - WMO Mandatory Publications and Distribution Policy for the Nineteenth Financial Period (2023)




to allocate the necessary funding for investments in new translation and publishing technologies, so as to produce more technical and general information publications in all WMO official languages, as requested by Members;
Resolution 48 (Cg-19) - Tentative programme of constituent body sessions for the nineteenth financial period (2023)




to further examine and update the tentative programmes in consultation with their management groups, fully taking into account their regional needs and efficiency;
Resolution 48 (Cg-19) - Tentative programme of constituent body sessions for the nineteenth financial period (2023)




to oversee the planning and allocation of resources for the organization of these sessions according to the principles outlined in document Cg-19/ INF. 4.5(2b) – Principles for the organization of face-to-face and virtual sessions.
Resolution 52 (Cg-19) - Secretary-General’s contract (2023)




(a) To amend the Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256) with regard to the Executive Council Disciplinary Committee; (b) To establish the Disciplinary Committee; (c) To amend the terms of reference of the Audit and Oversight Committee concerning their advisory role to the President and the Disciplinary Committee.

Session deadline

EC 77
Resolution 55 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of the External Auditor  (2023)




to continue providing support to the External Auditor and implement the recommendations of the External Auditor [USA] in a timely manner, while taking into account the relevant conclusions of the forty-third session of the FINAC.
Resolution 56 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of Audit and Oversight Committee (2023)




to continue providing support to the WMO Audit and Oversight Committee and to implement the recommendations of the Audit and Oversight Committee in a timely manner,
Resolution 56 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of Audit and Oversight Committee (2023)




to undertake an independent performance evaluation every three years, in addition to regular self-assessments, and report on such evaluations to WMO’s Members, in line with Recommendation 6 of JIU/REP/2019/6 Audit and Oversight Committees.
Resolution 57 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of the Internal Oversight Office  (2023)




(1) To continue to ensure that the IOO is adequately resourced and staffed to fulfil its mandate; and (2) To timely address all recommendations resulting from that engagement intended to address deficiencies in compliance with WMO’s procurement processes, as well as give due attention to addressing all outstanding high and medium priority IOO recommendations.
Resolution 58 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of the Joint Inspection Unit (2023)




(1) To amend the role and responsibilities of the Legal function accordingly; [USA] (2) To continue providing support to the work of the JIU and provide consideration to the recommendations of the Unit in accordance with the established procedures.
Resolution 59 (Cg-19) - Consideration of the report of oversight bodies  (2023)


EC and Cg


receive WMO’s oversight entity reports in the form of decision documents, instead of INF documents, with accompanying draft resolution texts, as appropriate, to facilitate clear and comprehensive guidance from WMO’s Members, beginning at the next possible opportunity.
Resolution 61 (Cg-19) - Review of election process for the Secretary-General, President and Vice-Presidents and members of the Executive Council as well as the terms of appointment of the Deputy Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General (2023)




to: (1) Undertake a comprehensive review of the procedures for selecting the Secretary-General, President [UK, Norway], Vice-Presidents and members of the Executive Council; (2) Propose amendments to Article 4 of the Staff Regulations to include specific terms of appointment for the Assistant Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General.
Resolution 62 (Cg-19) - Review of previous resolutions of Congress (2023)




to develop an expanded programme as an evolution of the World Weather Watch Programme, encompassing the infrastructure needs to cover the entire Earth system according to the Strategic Plan and submit it to the Executive Council at its seventy-eighth session;

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 62 (Cg-19) - Review of previous resolutions of Congress (2023)




to develop and update the descriptions of the programmes to be maintained in light of the governance reform, the Strategic Plan and other intervening changes, and submit them to the Executive Council at its seventy-eighth session;

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 62 (Cg-19) - Review of previous resolutions of Congress (2023)




to consider and adopt, on behalf of Congress, such updated programme descriptions, accompanied by a review and analysis of the programme-based approach in the activities of the Organization and recommendations to Congress as appropriate.

Session deadline

EC 78
Resolution 63 (Cg-19) - Date and place of next sessions of Congress (2023)




to determine the precise date and place of the extraoridinary session of Congress in 2025 and the Cg-20 in 2027 and prepare their provisional agendas;
Resolution 63 (Cg-19) - Date and place of next sessions of Congress (2023)




to provide arrangements for the sessions and notify Members thereof.