BackForwardInstrument:  GOCI-II 

Instrument details
Acronym GOCI-II
Full name Geostationary Ocean Color Imager: Follow-on
Purpose Ocean colour and aerosol
Short description 13 channels in UV, VIS and NIR (between 360 and 900 nm, 10-40 nm bandwidth) including a panchromatic channel
Background Evolution of GOCI flown on COMS-1
Scanning Technique Mechanical, 3-axis stabilised satellite, E-W continuous, S-N stepping
Resolution 250 m over Korea
Coverage / Cycle Area of 2500 km x 2500 km, half-hourly in daylight
Mass Power Data Rate


Providing Agency KIOST
Instrument Maturity Backed by strong heritage
Utilization Period: 2020 to 2030
Last update: 2021-06-14
Detailed characteristics

Central wavelength


SNR @ specified input spectral radiance

380 nm

20 nm

998 @ 93.0 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

412 nm

20 nm

1050 @ 100 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

443 nm

20 nm

1145 @ 92.5 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

490 nm

20 nm

1228 @ 72.2 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

510 nm

20 nm

1180 @ 64.9 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

555 nm

20 nm

1124 @ 55.3 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

620 nm

20 nm

1102 @ 53.3 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

660 nm

20 nm

1060 @ 32.0 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

680 nm

10 nm

914 @ 27.1 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

709 nm

10 nm

914 @ 27.7 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

745 nm

20 nm

903 @ 17.7 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1

865 nm

40 nm

788 @ 12.0 W m-2 μm-1 sr-1




Satellites this instrument is flying on

Note: a red tag indicates satellites no longer operational, a green tag indicates operational satellites, a blue tag indicates future satellites

Instrument classification
  • Earth observation instrument
  • Passive optical radiometer or spectrometer
  • Moderate resolution optical imager
WIGOS Subcomponents
  • Subcomponent 1
  • Narrow-band or hyperspectral imagers
  • Narrow-band imager (for ocean colour)
Mission objectives
Primary mission objectives
  • Aerosol Optical Depth
  • Aerosol column burden
  • Colour Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)
  • Fraction of Absorbed PAR (FAPAR)
  • Ocean Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (DAC)
  • Ocean chlorophyll concentration
  • Ocean suspended sediments concentration
  • Oil spill cover
Evaluation of Measurements

The following list indicates which measurements can typically be retrieved from this category of instrument. To see a full Gap Analysis by Variable, click on the respective variable.

Note: table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers
Note: * Primary mission objective.
VariableRelevance for measuring this variableOperational limitationsExplanation
Aerosol column burden*3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV (for absorbing aerosol), VIS (with narrow bandwidth) and NIR channels, including 760 nm for high-level aerosol
Aerosol effective radius3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV (for absorbing aerosol), VIS (with narrow bandwidth) and NIR channels including 760 nm for high-level aerosol
Aerosol mass mixing ratio3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV (for absorbing aerosol), VIS (with narrow bandwidth) and NIR channels including 760 nm for high-level aerosol
Aerosol Optical Depth*3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV (for absorbing aerosol),VIS (with narrow bandwidth) and NIR channels including 760 nm for high-level aerosol
Aerosol type3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV (for absorbing aerosol), VIS (with narrow bandwidth) and NIR channels including 760 nm for high-level aerosol
Biomass5 - marginalCloud sensitive.. Index only.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels. Biomass inferred from NDVI
Cloud cover5 - marginalDaylight only.VIS and NIR channels
Cloud optical depth4 - fairLow-density cloud only.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels
Cloud top height5 - marginalDaylight only.NIR channels to estimate the total-column O2 above the cloud top as measured around 760 nm
Cloud type5 - marginalDaylight only.VIS and NIR channels
Colour Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)*4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.Many narrow-bandwith VIS channels, suitable for more water types, in open ocean
Downward short-wave irradiance at Earth surface5 - marginalCloud sensitive.. Highly indirect.VIS and NIR channels
Earth surface albedo3 - highCloud sensitive.VIS channel with changing solar incidence angles as daylight progresses
Earth surface short-wave bidirectional reflectance4 - fairCloud sensitive.VIS and NIR channels with changing solar incidence angles as daylight progresses
Fire fractional cover5 - marginalCloud sensitive.. Coarse spatial resolution.. Daylight only.VIS channels
Fraction of Absorbed PAR (FAPAR)*3 - highCloud sensitive.VIS channels including Red at 700 nm
Leaf Area Index (LAI)4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels. LAI inferred from NDVI
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)3 - highCloud sensitive.VIS and NIR channels
Ocean chlorophyll concentration *4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.Many narrow-bandwith VIS channels, suitable for more water types, in open ocean
Ocean Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (DAC)*4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.Many narrow-bandwith VIS channels, suitable for more water types, in open ocean
Ocean suspended sediments concentration*4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.Many narrow-bandwith VIS channels, suitable for more water types, in open ocean
Oil spill cover*5 - marginalCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.VIS channels with narrow bandwidth
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)3 - highCloud sensitive.VIS channels, range accurately sampled
Short-wave cloud reflectance5 - marginalNo specific limitation.VIS and NIR channels
Snow cover4 - fairCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels. Frequent sampling (GEO) improves probability of cloud-free views
Soil moisture at surface5 - marginalCloud sensitive.. Index only.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels. Soil moisture inferred from differential brightness
Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA4 - fairSpectral interpolation needed.. Information on BRDF needed.UV, VIS and NIR channels
Aerosol volcanic ash3 - highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.UV, VIS and NIR channels, including 760 nm for high-level ashes
Aerosol volcanic ash Total Column2 - very highCloud sensitive.. Daylight only.VIS and NIR channels including 760 nm for high-level ashes. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables early detection of ash plumes
Wind (horizontal)5 - marginalCloud or water vapour tracers needed.. Daylight only.VIS channel(s). Frequent sampling (GEO) enables inference from cloud motion